
Antes de mais nada gostaria de dizer que independente das versoes que se apresentem de uma mesma historia,vamos citar a mais conhecida, pois no fundo, o ESPECIAL BRUCE LEE de 3 anos do BLOG DO PEREIRA, serve apenas para conhecermos mais sobre Ving Tsun e um de seus praticantes mais famosos.
First of all let me say that regardless of the versions that have the same history, we will cite the best known, because at bottom, SPECIAL BRUCE LEE 3 years of BLOG, serves only to know more about Ving Tsun and one of its most famous practitioners ...
Acompanhe tambem as 3 primeiras partes do especial BRUCE LEE:Also follow the 3 previously parts of the Bruce Lee Special:
part 1(click): AQUI.HERE
part 2(click): AQUI.HERE
part 3 (click): AQUI.HERE
Afinal, quem nunca quis levar aquele amigo(a),irmao(a) ou pessoa mais chegada ao Mo Gun para comecar a treinar?
Every practitioner who identifies too much with a martial art and constantly see the benefits it brings for him, sometimes imagines the benefits that the practice would bring to the people close to him ... After all, who never wanted to take that friend , brother or some close people to Gun Mo to start training ? With Bruce Lee was not different ....

Segundo palavras do proprio Cheung sobre a epoca,ele e Bruce eram amigos de longa data..
"Bruce e eu crescemos juntos.Nos eramos amigos desde que eramos jovens rapazes."
Legend says that in the summer of 1954 after an unsuccessful attempt to practice Tai Chi, Bruce Lee was introduced to the Ving Tsun Family and his main representative in Hong Kong Ip Man, by his great friend William Cheung. According to Cheung's own words about that time, he and Bruce were longtime friends ..
Legend says that in the summer of 1954 after an unsuccessful attempt to practice Tai Chi, Bruce Lee was introduced to the Ving Tsun Family and his main representative in Hong Kong Ip Man, by his great friend William Cheung. According to Cheung's own words about that time, he and Bruce were longtime friends ..
"Bruce and I grew up together. We were friends since we were young boys. "
The importance of the KAI SIU YAN(介紹人)
Kai Siu Yan(介紹人) eh um termo muito usado antigamente nas Familias Kung Fu.
Kai(介) -significa "apresentar"
Siu(紹) - seria algo como "continuar"
Mas na verdade Kai Siu(介紹) eh uma expressao que significa: "apresentar" ou "sugerir".
Yan(人) - Significa "pessoa" ou "ser humano" (ehh... fiquemos com "pessoa" neh?
Kai Siu Yan (介紹人) is a term widely used in the old Kung Fu Families.
Kai (介)-means "To introduce"
Siu (绍) - would be something like "continues"
But actually Kai Siu (介紹) is a expression that means " to introduce" or "to suggest".
Yan (人) - means "person" or "human being" (Ehh. .. stay with "person" right?
So Kai Siu Yan (介紹人) is "a person who introduces" or "person who suggests" ...

As Familias Kung Fu eram grupos restritos onde so entrava alguem que fosse indicado(KaiSiu) por alguem de dentro(yan).
O Kai Siu Yan(介紹人) se tornava uma especie de elo entre a pessoa e a Familia Kung Fu.E acaba de certa forma se tornando responsavel por ela.
Mas na epoca de Ip Man isso ja nao era mais tao recorrente no sentido de "entrar na Familia", mas quem sabe, no sentido de treinar?
Muitas vezes para que a figura do Si Fu seja valorizada dentro da Familia, eh necessario que ele nao se exponha tanto aos iniciantes, fazendo isso apenas com praticantes veteranos e discipulos mais proximos.
Today is very simple go out and ingress in a school of martial arts , but in Kung Fu, there was a time that was not so easy. The Kung Fu Families were restricted groups where only someone who were previously introduced (KaiSiu) by someone from inside (yan) to Si Fu. The Kai Siu Yan (介紹人) became a kind of link between the person and the Kung Fu Family .And just somehow become responsible for it. But at the time of Ip Man was no longer so applicant in order to "join the family", but who knows, for train? Often for the figure of Si Fu be valued within the family, he would not be exposed to beginners, just doing it with practitioners and veterans closest disciples.
Por isso e por outras questoes como logistica mesmo, eram muitas vezes os Si Hing que davam estes treinos para os mais jovens como no caso de Bruce Lee e Wong Shun Leung e com William Cheung entre outros...
Thats why must of the time the Si Hings were the responsibles for the begginners as in the case of Wong Shun Leung and William Cheung did for Bruce Lee.

William Cheung Vs Sailors
Segundo ele, ainda no navio a caminho da terra do Crocodilo Dundee, Cheung ficou acho que preso numa cabine e acabou entrando em conflito com 10 marinheiros de uma vez, dando uma escovada em todos.
Esse feito acabou saindo nos jornais da Australia e a "fama" do Ving Tsun assim se fez em terras colaenses...
Another legend told is about the Kai Siu Yan (介紹人) of Bruce Lee.
According to Wong Shun Leung, Ving Tsun became famous in Australia only after the arrived of William Cheung.
According to him, still on the ship en route to the land of Crocodile Dundee, I think that Cheung was locked in a cabin and fell into conflict with 10 sailors at at the same time, "giving a brushed" in all of them.
This achievement was dropped in newspapers in Australia and the "fame" of Ving Tsun was on the land of Outbacks ...
Obviamente algo muito interessante, eh que quando voce eh amigo de alguem antes de entrar na Familia Kung Fu, e depois que voce entra, esta pessoa passa a ser seu Si Hing(ou vice-versa), muitas vezes eh dificil nao confundir as relacoes.
Com Bruce e William nao foi diferente algumas vezes, como vemos na carta a seguir escrita por Bruce em 1964 para seu Kai Siu Yan(介紹人) William Cheung supostamente 10 anos depois que o mesmo apresentou Bruce a Familia Ip Man.
Esta carta foi recuperada pelo escritor John Little.
Obviously something very interesting, is that when you and your Kai Siu Yan(介紹人) were close friends before entering the Kung Fu Family , and after you enter, that person becomes your Si Hing (or vice versa), often is hard to not confuse the relations . With Bruce and William was not different at that times, as is shown in the following letter written by Bruce in 1964 to William Cheung supposedly 10 years after William introduced Bruce to Ip Man Family. This letter was recovered by the writer John Little.

Carta escrita por Bruce Lee de Oakland em 22 de Novembro de 1964 para William Cheung que estava na Australia.
Letter written by Bruce Lee from Oakland in November 22,1964 to William Cheung in Australia.
Querido William,
"Sua carta de resposta a minha ultima estava meio que colocando em duvida nossa amizade. Eu nao desejo escrever para voce para que depois voce fique pensando que estou escrevendo para conseguir informacoes sobre Kung Fu.
Estou escrevendo meramente porque eu quero escrever para voce. Por favor,nao fique estressado (como voce mencionou na carta)sobre minha visao sobre sua opiniao. Claro que voce me ajudou enquanto eu estava em Hong Kong e eu sou grato, mas por favor me escreva como amigo,e nao como alguem que tem todas as respostas, que eu estou certo de que ninguem as tem. Estes sao apenas fatos, nao estou tentando ser desagradavel... ...Eu nao contei a voce, mas eu estou casado (ela eh uma garota muito legal e era uma aluna de Kung Fu minha). Ja estamos casados por um ano mais ou menos e vamos ter um bebe... ...Eu estou no processo de completar o livro Tao do Jeet Kune Do. Sera do tamanho do livro sobre Karate de Nishiyama... ...Eu e minha mulher estamos pretendendo ir a Hong Kong, seria legal se voce pudesse estar la.... ...Se voce conseguir vir para os EUA me deixe saber antes pois tenho certeza que posso hospeda-lo em minha casa."
Bruce Lee
Dear William,
"Your letter of response to my last was kind of putting into doubt our friendship. I do not wish to write to you to after that you go thinking I'm writing to get information about Kung Fu. I am writing merely because I want to write to you. Please do not be stressed (as you mentioned in the last letter) about my vision about your opinion. Sure you helped me while I was in Hong Kong and I'm grateful, but please write me as friend, not as someone who has all the answers, I'm sure nobody has them. These are just facts, I'm not trying to be unpleasant ... ... I have not told you, but I am married (she is really a nice girl and she was a Kung Fu student of mine ). we are married for a year or so and we are going to have a baby ... ... I'm in the process of completing the book Tao of Jeet Kune Do. Will be the same size of the book of karate by Nishiyama ... ... My wife and I are intending to go to Hong Kong, would be nice if you could be there .... ... If you get to come to the U.S. let me know before because I'm sure I can host you at my house.
Sincerely, Bruce Lee"
Voce ja disse "Obrigado" ao seu Kai Siu Yan(介紹人)?
Have you ever said "THANKS" to your Kai Siu Yan?
Eu com meu Si Fu(Mestre Julio Camacho) e minha Kai Siu Yan(介紹人) Ursula Lima.
Me with my Si Fu (Master Julio Camacho "11G VT") and my Kaiu Siu Yan(介紹人) Ursula Lima 11G VT.
Me with my Si Fu (Master Julio Camacho "11G VT") and my Kaiu Siu Yan(介紹人) Ursula Lima 11G VT.
Thiago Pereira
12G VT