Mestre Anderson Maia, membro da Familia de Mestre Leo Imamura desde 1990, eh o responsavel pelo Nucleo Savassi em Belo Horizonte. Nos ultimos anos, o Mo Gun de Si Baak Anderson acolheu alguns dos eventos mais importantes de nosso Cla. Como a comemoracao dos 20 anos da Familia Kung Fu de Si Gung Leo Imamura.
E no ultimo aniversario de Si Gung Leo Imamura organizado pelo Mo Gun de Si Baak Anderson Maia, foi lancado o trailer do projeto: A BORDO DO JUNCO VERMELHO.
Sem mais delongas, assistam ao fabuloso trailer com a certeza de que: "Um dia o Blog do Pereira chega la!"
Master Anderson Maia, a member of the KF family of Master Leo Imamura since 1990, is responsible for the MYVT Savassi Branch in Belo Horizonte. In recent years, the Mo Gun of Si Baak Anderson hosted some of the most important events of our Clan. As the commemoration of 20 years of Kung Fu Family of Si Gung Leo Imamura.
And at the latest birthday of Si Gung Leo Imamura organized by the Mo Gun of Si Baak Anderson Maia, was released the trailer for the project: On BOARD of THE RED JUNK.
Without anymore words, watch the awesome trailer with the assurance that: "One day the Peartree`s BLOG will make something coll like that!" .. Hehe
Thiago Pereira "Moy Fat Lei" 12G VT