No início deste ano, Si Fu sugeriu um treino diferente as Quartas a noite.
Na verdade nas noites de quarta sempre existiram treinos, mas ele pediu que fosse algo mais "Livre".
O treino mais livre, chamamos em nossa Família Kung Fu de Mai San Jong. E as palavras do Si Fu foram:
"Vocês podem treinar o que quiserem, só tem que ter Mai San Jong."
E assim tentamos fazer...
Earlier this year, Si Fu suggested a different training Wednesday night.
Indeed on wednesday nights always have training in Mo Gun, but he called for something more "Free".
The more free training, is called in our Kung Fu Family as Mai San Jong. And the words of Si Fu were:
"You can train whatever you want Wednesday nights, just have to have Mai San Jong."
And so we try to do ...
A idéia deu certo, e um grupo muito bacana foi formado nesses treinos. Onde sempre no final, íamos para o bairro da Freguesia comer o famoso "Cachorro-quente da tia" numa barraca que fica próxima a casa do Si Fu. Eu adoro estar junto com o Si Fu, mas tenho que admitir que era muito importante para mim, ver tantas pessoas da Família Kung Fu reunidas mesmo sem a sua presença.
Os locais do lanche do final do treino mudaram depois, mas nos encontravamos as 19:30 h pra treinar e só nos despedíamos quase meia-noite depois do lanche.
No segundo mês de treino, vimos que realmente um equipamento de treino era necessário para que pudéssemos aproveitar melhor o potencial daqueles momentos. Foi dada a idéia de o grupo dar de presente pro Mo Gun e para ele mesmo um material de treino novo. Assim, Si Sok Seabra que junto comigo coordena essas sessões, colocou um Hung Bao no Jing Tong para cada um contribuir como preferisse, e alguns meses depois encomendamos não só nosso material de treino, como também outros equipamentos pro Mo Gun. Foi um momento bem marcante.
The idea worked, and a very cool group was formed during these drills. Where always in the end of the trainings, we went to the neighborhood of the Freguesia to eat the famous "Aunt´s Hot Dog " in a tent just next the house of Si Fu. I love being with the Si Fu, but I have to admit it was very important for me to see so many people of Kung Fu Family met even without his presence.
The locations of the lunch time have changed after training, but we were at Mo Gun 19:30 to train and only nearly midnight after lunch we say goodbye.
In the second month of training, we saw that a training equipment was really necessary so we could better use the potential of those moments. Was given the idea of the group give a present to Mo Gun and for itself a new training equipament. Thus, Si Sok Seabra with me that coordinates these sessions, put one Hung Bao in Jing Tong for each contribute as preferred, and a few months after our trust not only our training material, as well as other equipment for Mo Gun. It was a time well marked.
Ontem , sete meses depois sem interrupções, o grupo mudou um pouco, e continuou crescendo , a vontade de treinar também é a mesma.
Estiveram presentes ontem:
-Si Sok Felipe Seabra
-Thiago Pereira
-Vladmir Anchieta
-Claudio Teixeira
-Fernando Xavier
-Michael Martinez
-Thiago Wasserman
-Pedro Correia
-Daniel (filho do Vlad)
-Pedro e Ana (filhos do Claudio)
Last Wednesday, after 7 non-stop months the group has changed, but the will turned stronger!
There were:
-Si Sok Felipe Seabra
-Thiago Pereira
-Vladmir Anchieta
-Claudio Teixeira
-Fernando Xavier
-Michael Martinez
-Thiago Wasserman
-Pedro Correia
-Daniel (filho do Vlad)
-Pedro e Ana (filhos do Claudio)
Pedro, practitioner of Siu Ye Kuen, had a unforgetable experience with the adults.
Full House!
Fernando Xavier, a great friend also known as "Lance Armstrong from Madureira", came back to the trainings some months ago, and now is one of the most importants in the group.
In fact the training is a study of the different situations we train on a day-to-day in our Private Sessions. But we learned something together on those nights of Wednesday, is that it does not mean "Training freely" when we slap each other .
Dynamics that are proposed to be training between different stages during the 2 ½ hours of training to make the Mai San Jong totally free at the end. Connecting what has been seen since the beginning of a dynamic unpredictable at the end.
Wasserman (wearing blue): A great surprise! And a lost class at University that night for training!
Luciano a direita, vem de São João de Meriti pra treinar.
Vladmir and Luciano.
Luciano at the right, cames from another city to train every Wednesday nights
Michael(wearing black) in his first training at Wednesday night.
Wasserman and Michael.
More training!
Break for some talk about the experiences.
Dificil foi tirá-lo de perto do Nintendo DS.
And in the background, Pedro. Yes! The young one Pedro preparing himself to play with us!
It was very difficult take the Nintendo DS from him!
Me explainning the next training.

But I will just be happy when I take Tina Turner to the training sessions to sing "We Dont need another hero", the soundtrack of MAD MAX III - THE THUNDERDOME.
We have a tradicion to talk about all the experiences after the trainings.
Obrigado ao Si Sok Felipe Seabra pelas fotos e por todos que tem contribuido para estas noites tão bacanas.
Thanks to Si Sok Felipe Seabra for the photos!
And for all who goes every wednesday nights!
Thiago Pereira
12G VT
Thanks to Si Sok Felipe Seabra for the photos!
And for all who goes every wednesday nights!
Thiago Pereira
12G VT