VING TSUN NEW BOOK: On Board the Red Boat
LANÇAMENTO: 10/10/09
LANÇAMENTO: 10/10/09
Olá a todos,
Como foi escrito aqui na última postagem, meu Si Fu, Mestre Julio Camacho viajará novamente para China a fim de percorrer locais históricos para a nossa Arte. Porém, desta vez não estará sozinho, pois uma comitiva que contará inclusive com Si Gung Leo Imamura além de outros Mestres estará presente.
Esta viagem se tornará um marco em nosso Clã, não só nas lembranças e imagens mais também através de um livro chamado A Bordo do Junco Vermelho.
A obra será publicada com a seguinte estrutura:
1. Formato A4 na horizontal
2. Texto em duas colunas c/ fotos (pagina inteira)
3. Capitulos separados por local (que por sua vez, ira apresentar nossa genealogia)
4. Borda direita em todas as paginas com referencia da genealogia e destaque para o ancestral especifico (vide anexo)
5. Borda esquerda com informaçoes adicionais (linkadas ao texto principal)
Como foi escrito aqui na última postagem, meu Si Fu, Mestre Julio Camacho viajará novamente para China a fim de percorrer locais históricos para a nossa Arte. Porém, desta vez não estará sozinho, pois uma comitiva que contará inclusive com Si Gung Leo Imamura além de outros Mestres estará presente.
Esta viagem se tornará um marco em nosso Clã, não só nas lembranças e imagens mais também através de um livro chamado A Bordo do Junco Vermelho.
A obra será publicada com a seguinte estrutura:
1. Formato A4 na horizontal
2. Texto em duas colunas c/ fotos (pagina inteira)
3. Capitulos separados por local (que por sua vez, ira apresentar nossa genealogia)
4. Borda direita em todas as paginas com referencia da genealogia e destaque para o ancestral especifico (vide anexo)
5. Borda esquerda com informaçoes adicionais (linkadas ao texto principal)
E será lançado na data do aniversário do Patriarca Ip Man, dia: 10/10/2009
Este post também mostra a dimensão desta viagem e a maneira criteriosa com que vem sendo preparada.
Hello everyone, As was written here in the last post, my Si Fu Master Julio Camacho will travel back to China to travel to historical sites of our art. However, this time not alone,but with a delegation that will include Si Gung Leo Imamura and other masters as well. This trip will become a mark in our clan, not only in the memories and images but also through a book called The Edge of the Red Boat. The work will be published with the following structure:
1. A4 horizontal format 2. Text in two columns w / photos (full page) 3. Separated by local chapters (which in turn will present our genealogy) 4. Right edge on all pages with references to genealogy and focus on specific ancestor (see Annex) 5. Left border with additional information (linked to the main text) And it will be released on the anniversary date of the Patriarch Ip Man, days: 10/10/2009 This post also shows the extent of this trip and the careful way that has been prepared.
Vocês lembram que em todo o ide filme do Indiana Jones aparece um mapinha com uma linha pontilhada que vai mostrando o local que Indy está indo naquele momento? Se vocês quiserem imaginar isso enquanto leêm os locais a seguir e procurar no youtube o tema do Indiana Jones para ouvir durante a leitura (Indiana Jones Theme) a postagem vai ganhar uma nova vida!rs
You remember that every movie of the Indiana Jones appears a small map with a dotted line which will show you the place that Indy is going then? If you want to imagine it while reading the following sites and search on youtube the Indiana Jones theme for listening while reading the post will gain a new life! hehe
Essa seria uma boa série pro National Geographic ou History Channel!
Si Fu no estilo Indiana Jones!
This would be a great Tv Series fo National Geographic or History Channel!
Si Fun in Indiana Jones Style:
"Jo Lei Ou Si Fu and the riders of the lost places"
Acompanhe agora a fantástica lista de locais que a comitiva liderada por Mestre Leo Imamura vai percorrer e que será detalhada neste livro histórico!!
Read about this dream adventure where the delegation of Si Gung Leo Imamura will visit and will be in this book!
Monastérios e templos (Monastery and Temple)
1. 南少林寺 Southern Shaolin Monastery (Templo Shaolin do Sul)
2. 白鶴觀 White Crane Monastery (Templo da Garça branca)
Residências (Houses)
3. 梁贊故居 Leung Jaan’s former residence (Heshan) [Antiga casa de Leung Jaan em heshan]
O valor do Patriarca Ip Man para o Ving Tsun é incontestável, mesmo que muita gente só o enalteça por ter sido Si Fu de Bruce Lee. Mas um dos ancestrais que eu mais curto as histórias, sem dúvida é Leung Jaan!
(na foto acima Yuen Biao ainda jovem,interpreta o ancestral no grande sucesso
"The Prodigal Son" de 1982)
The value of the Patriarch Ip Man in Ving Tsun is undeniable, even though many people only remember him as Bruce Lee's Si Fu.
But the ancestor I like more is surely Leung Jaan! (pictured above Yuen Biao as a young man, interprets the ancestor of the huge hit "The Prodigal Son" 1982)
Conhecido como "FAT SAN KUEN"("O Punho de fatsan",apelido que ganhou) , Leung Tat Wing, recebeu o nome "Leung Jaan" por motivos que conheceremos num futuro especial aqui no Blog!
nas duas fotos acima, Yuen Biao mais jovem e mais velho, sempre interpretando este Mestre de nossa linhagem!
Se a cara de Wong Fei Hung é Jet Li, a cara de Leung Jaan é Yuen Biao.
4. 梁贊故居 Leung Jaan’s former residence (Foshan) [Antiga casa de Leung Jaan em Foshan]
5. 梁贊故居 Leung Jaan’s former residence 2 (Foshan)[2º casa de L. Jaan em Foshan]
6. 陳華順故居 Chan Wa Sun’s former residence (Foshan) [antiga casa de C. Wah Sun em Foshan]
7. 陳華順故居 Chan Wa Sun’s former residence (Shunde) [antiga casa de C. Wah Sun em Shunde]
8. 葉問故居 Ip Man’s former residence [Antiga casa de Ip Man]
9. 葉問故居 Ip Man’s former residence [Antiga casa de Ip Man]
10. 葉問姑母家 Ip Man’s aunt house [Antiga casa da Tia de Ip Man]
11. 怡輝大樓 Yee Fai Building (葉問故居 Ip Man’s former residence) [Antiga residência de Ip Man- Prédio Yee Fai ]
Museus (Museums)
12. 佛山市博物館 Foshan Museum [Museu de Foshan]
13. 祖廟 Ancestral Temple [Templo Ancestral]
14. 廣東粵劇博物館 Guangdong Cantonese Opera Museum [Museu da òpera de GuangDong]
15. 佛山黃飛鴻紀念館 Foshan Huang Feihong’s Memorial Hall [Salão Memorial de Wong Fei Hung]
Só queria aproveitar para dizer que Huang Fei Hung não tem a cara do Jet Li
I would like to say that Huang Fei Hung is not Jet Li!
16. 葉問堂 Ip Man Museum [Museu de Ip Man]
17. 鴻胜紀念館 Hung Sing Memorial [Memorial Hung Sing]
18. 阮奇山詠春堂 Yuen Kei Shan Ving Tsun Hall [Salão do Yuen Kai Shan Ving Tsun]
Restaurantes (Restaurants)
19. 天海酒家 Tianhai Restaurant
20. 佛山市三品樓酒家 Foshan Sanpanliu Restaurant
21. 瓊華酒樓舊址 King Wa Restaurant former site
22. 六國飯店 Restaurante Luk Gwok
Mo Gun (Mo Kwoon)
23. 贊生堂舊址 Jaan Saang Tong former site [antigo espaço do Salão do Senhor Jaan ]
24. 聯昌花紗店 Luen Cheung Cotton Mill (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun)
Lembram no filme "Ip Man" quando ele ensina Ving Tsun numa fábrica?
"Luen Cheung Cotton Mill" , será que é lá?
Can you remember in Ip Man Movie, when he teachs Ving Tsun in a factory? "Luen Cheung Cotton Mill" , is that the place? Who knows...
25. 吳仲素武館 Ng Jung So’s mo gun [Mo Gun de Ng Jung So]
26. 陳汝棉武館 Chan Yu Min’s mo gun (陳氏宗祠 Chan’s Ancestral Hall) [Mo Gun Chan Yu Min filho de Chan Wah Sun - Salão de Ancestrais dos Chan]
Estou no meio de uma empreitada jogando "Conan,The Dark Axe" no Playstation 2 que peguei emprestado, e tenho que dizer que Chan´s Ancestral Hall seria um bom nome para uma fase.
Im playing the game "CONAN,The Dark Axe", 'cause I love Conan and also cause a great friend called Marcelo has lent me a Playstation 2 and now I can Play! I have to say that "CHAN´S ANCESTRAL HALL" would be a good name for a stage in this game!
Não tem como não entrar num lugar com um nome desses e
não pensar que uma estátua pode ganhar vida e te atacar!
Por favor! Não toquem em nada no Jing Tong!
Vamos aguardar pelas fotos!
For me, if I enter in a place with such a name, I would believe that statues would come alive and attack me! Please ! Dont touch the Jing Tong there!
Lets wait for the pictures!
27. 群義武館遺址 Ruins of Kwan Yi Mo Gun [Ruinas do Mo Gun Kwan Yi Mo]
28. 眾義體育會舊址 Jung Yi Athletic Association former site [Antigo espaço da Associação Atlética Jung Yi]
29. 郭氏詠春拳會 Gwok’s Ving Tsun Kuen Association [Associação de Ving Tsun Kuen de Gwok]
30. 倫佳武館 Lun Gai’s Mo Gun [Mo Gun de Lun Gai]
31. 佛山精武体育會 Foshan Ching Woo Association [Associação Ching Woo de Foshan]
32. 鴻勝祖館 Hung Sing Ancestral Hall [Salão Ancestral de Hung Sing]
33. 彭南永春拳館 Pang Naam Ving Tsun Kuen Hall [Salão Pang Naam de Ving Tsun Kuen]
34. 飯店職工總會舊址 Restaurant Workers’ Union former site [Antigo espaço do Restaurante da União de Trabalhadores.]
35. 佛山詠春國術社 (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]
36. 李鄭屋村 Lei Cheng Uk Estate (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]
Aqui um modelo de como será o livro!
(Clique e amplie!)
here is a model of how is gonna be the book! (Click the image above and see in zoom)
37. 興業大廈 Hing Yip Building (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]
38. 利達街 Lee Tat Street (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]
39. 寶勒巷 Prat Avenue (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
40. 詠春體育會 Ving Tsun Athletic Association
41. 詠春體育會舊址 Ving Tsun Athletic Association former site [antigo local]
42. 詠春梅逸健身學院 Ving Tsun Moy Yat Gin San Hok Yuen/樂古齋 Ngau Gu Jaai [local do estúdio de Artes de Si taai Gung Moy Yat]
43. 葉承芍律師府邸 Ip Sing Cheuk’s mansion (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
44. 華英飯店 Wa Ying Restaurant (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
45. 士丹頓街(卅間) Stauton Street (Thirty Houses) (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
46. 劉漢琳家 Lau Hon Lam’s house (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
47. 三太子廟 Sam Tai Tze Temple (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place)
48. 大埔道 (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place)
49. 式華洋服鋪 Sik Wa Tailors’ Shop (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
50. 大生飯店 Daai Saang Restaurant (葉問武館 Ip Man’s teaching place) "
51. 衍慶街 Yin Hing Street (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) "
52. 陳衛匡家 Chan Wai Hong’s house (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) "
53. 陳氏宗祠 Chan’s Ancestral Temple (陳華順武館 Chan Wa Sun’s mo gun) Mo Gun de Chan Wah Sun]
54. 葉氏宗祠舊址 Ip’s Ancestral Temple former site (陳華順武館 Chan Wa Sun’s mo gun) [ Mo Gun de Chan Wah Sun na residência da Família Ip]
Túmulos (Tombs)
55. 梁贊之墓 Leung Jaan’s tomb [Tumulo de Leung Jaan]
56. 陳華順之墓 Chan Wa Sun’s tomb [Tumulo de Chan Wa Sun]
57. 葉問之墓 Ip Man’s tomb [Tumulo de Ip Man]
58. 李天培之墓 Lei Tin Pui’s tomb [Tumulo de Lei Tin Pui]
Praças e jardins (Squares and Gardens)
59. 羅村中心廣場(葉問銅像) Luocun Central Plaza (Ip Man’s Bronze Statue) [estatua de bronze de Ip Man]
60. 香港動植物公園 Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Outros (Others)
61. 瓊花會館舊址 King Fa Wui Gun former site [antigo local do King Fa Wui Gun]
62. 聖士提反學堂舊址 Saint Stephen’s College former site
63. 公亨綢緞鋪舊址 Gung Hang Silk Shop former site
64. 九龍殯儀館 Kowloon Funeral Parlour
65. 葉問朋友之雀鳥舖 Ip Man friend’s birds shop (loja de pássaros de um amigo de Ip Man)
Este post também mostra a dimensão desta viagem e a maneira criteriosa com que vem sendo preparada.
Hello everyone, As was written here in the last post, my Si Fu Master Julio Camacho will travel back to China to travel to historical sites of our art. However, this time not alone,but with a delegation that will include Si Gung Leo Imamura and other masters as well. This trip will become a mark in our clan, not only in the memories and images but also through a book called The Edge of the Red Boat. The work will be published with the following structure:
1. A4 horizontal format 2. Text in two columns w / photos (full page) 3. Separated by local chapters (which in turn will present our genealogy) 4. Right edge on all pages with references to genealogy and focus on specific ancestor (see Annex) 5. Left border with additional information (linked to the main text) And it will be released on the anniversary date of the Patriarch Ip Man, days: 10/10/2009 This post also shows the extent of this trip and the careful way that has been prepared.

You remember that every movie of the Indiana Jones appears a small map with a dotted line which will show you the place that Indy is going then? If you want to imagine it while reading the following sites and search on youtube the Indiana Jones theme for listening while reading the post will gain a new life! hehe

Si Fu no estilo Indiana Jones!
This would be a great Tv Series fo National Geographic or History Channel!
Si Fun in Indiana Jones Style:
"Jo Lei Ou Si Fu and the riders of the lost places"
Acompanhe agora a fantástica lista de locais que a comitiva liderada por Mestre Leo Imamura vai percorrer e que será detalhada neste livro histórico!!
Read about this dream adventure where the delegation of Si Gung Leo Imamura will visit and will be in this book!
Monastérios e templos (Monastery and Temple)
1. 南少林寺 Southern Shaolin Monastery (Templo Shaolin do Sul)
2. 白鶴觀 White Crane Monastery (Templo da Garça branca)
Residências (Houses)
3. 梁贊故居 Leung Jaan’s former residence (Heshan) [Antiga casa de Leung Jaan em heshan]
(na foto acima Yuen Biao ainda jovem,interpreta o ancestral no grande sucesso
"The Prodigal Son" de 1982)
The value of the Patriarch Ip Man in Ving Tsun is undeniable, even though many people only remember him as Bruce Lee's Si Fu.
But the ancestor I like more is surely Leung Jaan! (pictured above Yuen Biao as a young man, interprets the ancestor of the huge hit "The Prodigal Son" 1982)

nas duas fotos acima, Yuen Biao mais jovem e mais velho, sempre interpretando este Mestre de nossa linhagem!
Se a cara de Wong Fei Hung é Jet Li, a cara de Leung Jaan é Yuen Biao.
Known as "FAT SAN KUEN" ( "The Fist of Fatsan" nickname given), Leung Tat Wing, was named "Leung Jaan" for reasons that we will know in a future special here in the Blog!
the two photos above, shows Yuen Biao younger and older, always playing this master of our lineage!
If the face of Wong Fei Hung is Jet Li, the face of Leung Jaan is Yuen Biao.
the two photos above, shows Yuen Biao younger and older, always playing this master of our lineage!
If the face of Wong Fei Hung is Jet Li, the face of Leung Jaan is Yuen Biao.
4. 梁贊故居 Leung Jaan’s former residence (Foshan) [Antiga casa de Leung Jaan em Foshan]
5. 梁贊故居 Leung Jaan’s former residence 2 (Foshan)[2º casa de L. Jaan em Foshan]
6. 陳華順故居 Chan Wa Sun’s former residence (Foshan) [antiga casa de C. Wah Sun em Foshan]
7. 陳華順故居 Chan Wa Sun’s former residence (Shunde) [antiga casa de C. Wah Sun em Shunde]
8. 葉問故居 Ip Man’s former residence [Antiga casa de Ip Man]
9. 葉問故居 Ip Man’s former residence [Antiga casa de Ip Man]
10. 葉問姑母家 Ip Man’s aunt house [Antiga casa da Tia de Ip Man]
11. 怡輝大樓 Yee Fai Building (葉問故居 Ip Man’s former residence) [Antiga residência de Ip Man- Prédio Yee Fai ]
Museus (Museums)
12. 佛山市博物館 Foshan Museum [Museu de Foshan]
13. 祖廟 Ancestral Temple [Templo Ancestral]
14. 廣東粵劇博物館 Guangdong Cantonese Opera Museum [Museu da òpera de GuangDong]
15. 佛山黃飛鴻紀念館 Foshan Huang Feihong’s Memorial Hall [Salão Memorial de Wong Fei Hung]

I would like to say that Huang Fei Hung is not Jet Li!
16. 葉問堂 Ip Man Museum [Museu de Ip Man]
17. 鴻胜紀念館 Hung Sing Memorial [Memorial Hung Sing]
18. 阮奇山詠春堂 Yuen Kei Shan Ving Tsun Hall [Salão do Yuen Kai Shan Ving Tsun]
Restaurantes (Restaurants)
19. 天海酒家 Tianhai Restaurant
20. 佛山市三品樓酒家 Foshan Sanpanliu Restaurant
21. 瓊華酒樓舊址 King Wa Restaurant former site
22. 六國飯店 Restaurante Luk Gwok
Mo Gun (Mo Kwoon)
23. 贊生堂舊址 Jaan Saang Tong former site [antigo espaço do Salão do Senhor Jaan ]
24. 聯昌花紗店 Luen Cheung Cotton Mill (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun)

"Luen Cheung Cotton Mill" , será que é lá?
Can you remember in Ip Man Movie, when he teachs Ving Tsun in a factory? "Luen Cheung Cotton Mill" , is that the place? Who knows...
25. 吳仲素武館 Ng Jung So’s mo gun [Mo Gun de Ng Jung So]
26. 陳汝棉武館 Chan Yu Min’s mo gun (陳氏宗祠 Chan’s Ancestral Hall) [Mo Gun Chan Yu Min filho de Chan Wah Sun - Salão de Ancestrais dos Chan]

Im playing the game "CONAN,The Dark Axe", 'cause I love Conan and also cause a great friend called Marcelo has lent me a Playstation 2 and now I can Play! I have to say that "CHAN´S ANCESTRAL HALL" would be a good name for a stage in this game!

não pensar que uma estátua pode ganhar vida e te atacar!
Por favor! Não toquem em nada no Jing Tong!
Vamos aguardar pelas fotos!
For me, if I enter in a place with such a name, I would believe that statues would come alive and attack me! Please ! Dont touch the Jing Tong there!
Lets wait for the pictures!
27. 群義武館遺址 Ruins of Kwan Yi Mo Gun [Ruinas do Mo Gun Kwan Yi Mo]
28. 眾義體育會舊址 Jung Yi Athletic Association former site [Antigo espaço da Associação Atlética Jung Yi]
29. 郭氏詠春拳會 Gwok’s Ving Tsun Kuen Association [Associação de Ving Tsun Kuen de Gwok]
30. 倫佳武館 Lun Gai’s Mo Gun [Mo Gun de Lun Gai]
31. 佛山精武体育會 Foshan Ching Woo Association [Associação Ching Woo de Foshan]
32. 鴻勝祖館 Hung Sing Ancestral Hall [Salão Ancestral de Hung Sing]
33. 彭南永春拳館 Pang Naam Ving Tsun Kuen Hall [Salão Pang Naam de Ving Tsun Kuen]
34. 飯店職工總會舊址 Restaurant Workers’ Union former site [Antigo espaço do Restaurante da União de Trabalhadores.]
35. 佛山詠春國術社 (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]
36. 李鄭屋村 Lei Cheng Uk Estate (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]

(Clique e amplie!)
here is a model of how is gonna be the book! (Click the image above and see in zoom)
37. 興業大廈 Hing Yip Building (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]
38. 利達街 Lee Tat Street (葉問武館 Ip Man’s mo gun) [Mo Gun de Ip Man]
39. 寶勒巷 Prat Avenue (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
40. 詠春體育會 Ving Tsun Athletic Association
41. 詠春體育會舊址 Ving Tsun Athletic Association former site [antigo local]
42. 詠春梅逸健身學院 Ving Tsun Moy Yat Gin San Hok Yuen/樂古齋 Ngau Gu Jaai [local do estúdio de Artes de Si taai Gung Moy Yat]
43. 葉承芍律師府邸 Ip Sing Cheuk’s mansion (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
44. 華英飯店 Wa Ying Restaurant (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
45. 士丹頓街(卅間) Stauton Street (Thirty Houses) (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
46. 劉漢琳家 Lau Hon Lam’s house (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
47. 三太子廟 Sam Tai Tze Temple (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place)
48. 大埔道 (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place)
49. 式華洋服鋪 Sik Wa Tailors’ Shop (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) [Local de Transmissão do Ving Tsun de Ip Man]
50. 大生飯店 Daai Saang Restaurant (葉問武館 Ip Man’s teaching place) "
51. 衍慶街 Yin Hing Street (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) "
52. 陳衛匡家 Chan Wai Hong’s house (葉問教拳處 Ip Man’s teaching place) "
53. 陳氏宗祠 Chan’s Ancestral Temple (陳華順武館 Chan Wa Sun’s mo gun) Mo Gun de Chan Wah Sun]
54. 葉氏宗祠舊址 Ip’s Ancestral Temple former site (陳華順武館 Chan Wa Sun’s mo gun) [ Mo Gun de Chan Wah Sun na residência da Família Ip]
Túmulos (Tombs)
55. 梁贊之墓 Leung Jaan’s tomb [Tumulo de Leung Jaan]
56. 陳華順之墓 Chan Wa Sun’s tomb [Tumulo de Chan Wa Sun]
57. 葉問之墓 Ip Man’s tomb [Tumulo de Ip Man]
58. 李天培之墓 Lei Tin Pui’s tomb [Tumulo de Lei Tin Pui]
Praças e jardins (Squares and Gardens)
59. 羅村中心廣場(葉問銅像) Luocun Central Plaza (Ip Man’s Bronze Statue) [estatua de bronze de Ip Man]
60. 香港動植物公園 Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens
Outros (Others)
61. 瓊花會館舊址 King Fa Wui Gun former site [antigo local do King Fa Wui Gun]
62. 聖士提反學堂舊址 Saint Stephen’s College former site
63. 公亨綢緞鋪舊址 Gung Hang Silk Shop former site
64. 九龍殯儀館 Kowloon Funeral Parlour
65. 葉問朋友之雀鳥舖 Ip Man friend’s birds shop (loja de pássaros de um amigo de Ip Man)
Pessoal, espero que tenham curtido a novidade!
Realmente será uma viagem inesquecível!
I Hope you enjoy the news!
See you next time!
Thiago Pereira
12G VT