(In the foreground Si Fu and in the background its me when I was still able to have fun with my knee)
Em 2002, não lembro bem em que mês. Tive minha primeira experiência de Vida Kung Fu, na qual eu tomei a frente.
Certa vez passava por um campo de futebol para alugar próximo ao Mo Gun em Jacarepaguá, e liguei pro Si Fu pois achei que seria bacana se a Família KF pudesse se reunir para jogar lá. Ele deixou por minha conta organizar todo o evento numa manhã de Sábado.
Naquela manhã, muita coisa bacana aconteceu. Até onde me lembro e que posso destacar, havia sido a primeira partida de futebol na qual Enio Lima, meu Si Sok, jogou junto de seu filho Breno. Também naquela mesma manhã, a mãe do querido Si Sok André estava passando por uma cirurgia, mas ainda assim, ele ligou em um momento que teve tempo, para saber se estava tudo pronto para o evento acontecer.
Aprendi muito com esses momentos, e apesar de que ali para mim ainda não fazia muito sentido isso que chamavam de “Vida Kung Fu”, talvez tenha sido o primeiro passo para que mais tarde eu entendesse a sua importância...
In 2002, I do not remember what month. I had my first experience of Kung Fu Life, in which I took the lead.
I once passed by a soccer field for rent near Mo Gun, and I called Si Fu because I thought it would be nice if the KF family could gather to play there. He left on my own to organize the entire event on Saturday morning.
That morning, very cool things happened. As far as I can remember and I can highlight, was the first soccer match in which Enio Lima, my Si Sok, played with his son Breno. Also that morning, the mother of the dear Si Sok Andre was undergoing surgery, but still, he called at a time that had time to see if everything was ready for the event to happen.
I learned a lot from these moments, and although for me there was not yet much sense in what they called "Kung Fu Life" at the time . But it was perhaps the first step so that later I understood its importance ...
VIDA KUNG-FU: Uma mensagem para Si Gung
(foto dos anos 90 quando Si Gung e Si Taai , que lideravam a comitiva brasileira, viajaram para os EUA a fi m de participar como todo o ano, do aniversário de Si Taai Gung)
(from the 90's a photo about the visit of brazilian commitive leaded by Si Gung and Si Taai to join Si Taai Gung´s birthday)
Si Taai Gung Moy Yat conseguiu traduzir esse sentimento de quem vive a
Vida Kung Fu através de um exemplo:
“Mais tarde, quando você tiver sua própria escola, qual técnica você irá ensinar para seus alunos?
Qual Kung Fu você ensinará?
Você não irá apenas ensinar técnicas a eles.
Você tem que dizer a eles o que você tem feito nos dias do passado. Cada dia na escola.
Você tem que relatar a eles o que você está fazendo quando está na Vida Kung Fu. Vamos dizer que você tenha um grupo de alunos. Você não pode ensiná-los Siu Nim Tau, Cham Kiu, Biu Ji e repeti-los novamente.
Eles não virão para ouvir a mesma coisa.
Por outro lado, você tem que contar-lhes:
- Sabe, quando si fu ia para New York para aprender Kung Fu, ele voltava para explicar sua experiência para nós.
Isto é Vida Kung Fu!”
Si taai Gung Moy Yat was able to translate that feeling of those who live
Kung Fu life through an example:
"Later, when you have your own school, which technique you will teach your students?
What Kung Fu are you gonna teach?
You will not only teach techniques to them.
You have to tell them what you have done in the past days. Each day at school.
You have to tell them what you are doing when you are in Kung Fu Life. Let's say you have a group of students. You can not teach them Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu, Biu Ji and repeat them again.
They will not come to hear the same thing.
On the other hand, you have to tell them:
- You know, when you Si Fu went to New York to learn Kung Fu, he returned to explain his experience to us.
This is Life Kung Fu! "
Si taai Gung Moy Yat was able to translate that feeling of those who live
Kung Fu life through an example:
"Later, when you have your own school, which technique you will teach your students?
What Kung Fu are you gonna teach?
You will not only teach techniques to them.
You have to tell them what you have done in the past days. Each day at school.
You have to tell them what you are doing when you are in Kung Fu Life. Let's say you have a group of students. You can not teach them Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu, Biu Ji and repeat them again.
They will not come to hear the same thing.
On the other hand, you have to tell them:
- You know, when you Si Fu went to New York to learn Kung Fu, he returned to explain his experience to us.
This is Life Kung Fu! "
O café-da-manhã aos Sábados com Si Fu no posto de gasolina próximo ao Mo Gun em 2009. Da esquerda para a direita: Si Fu, Thiago Silva, Carlos Antunes e Si Sok Felipe.
(The breakfast with Si Fu at the gas station in front of Mo Gun in 2009. From left to right: Si Fu, Thiago Silva, Carlos Antunes and Si Sok Felipe)
Lanche no mesmo posto de gasolina, no dia em que pegamos as chaves do novo Mo Gun no mesmo prédio que o anterior em 2012. Na foto da esquerda p/ direita: Cynthia Tong, eu e Luciano Freitas)
(Having some meal in the same gas station in the day that we got the keys of the new Mo Gun in the same building that the one from 2009. From left to right: Cynthia Tong, me and Luciano Freitas)
Esse pensamento de Si Taai Gung Moy Yat, que valoriza a convivência através de relatos como forma de aprendizagem, foi trazido para o Brasil por Si Gung
Leo Imamura. Si Gung tocou muita gente com essa maneira de transmitir seu conhecimento, como vemos na carta abaixo, redigida pelo então presidente da Federação de Kung Fu Wushu do Estado de São Paulo, Sr Enio Cuono:
“ O trabalho que alcancei com o Kung Fu e artes marciais, me proporcionou conviver e me juntar com grandes Mestres, reais idealistas desta arte ancestral chinesa. Isso permitiu um conhecimento mais profundo sobre o tema, trazendo à tona outros pontos importantes que são sem dúvidas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento pessoal de um praticante.
O admirável Grão-Mestre Moy Yat é um exemplo a ser apontado, que soube como passar com sabedoria o Sistema Ving Tsun e seu conhecimento a seus discípulos, especialmente ao Sr Leo Imamura. Que através da chamada “Vida Kung Fu”, uma espécie de convivência diária com o Mestre em diferentes situações do dia-a-dia, um discípulo pode vivenciar e demonstrar seu aprendizado.
Tão importante quanto passar os conhecimentos do Mestre, é a esperteza do discípulo em notar os mais simples detalhes enquanto aprende...
...O trabalho excelente deste Sr Leo Imamura é indispensável para iniciantes no aprendizado do Ving Tsun...” (Sr Enio Cuono – 03 de Outubro de 1991)
This way of thinking of Si Taai Gung Moy Yat, who values living through reports as a way of learning, was brought to Brazil by Si Gung Leo Imamura. Si Gung touched many people with this way of passing down his knowledge, as we see in the letter below, written by the then President of Kung Fu Wushu Federation of the State of São Paulo, Mr. Enio Cuono:
"The work achieved with Kung Fu and martial arts, gave me the opportunity to live and join with great masters, real idealists from this ancestral Chinese art. This allowed a deeper knowledge on the subject, bringing up other important points that are undoubtedly essential to the personal development of a practitioner.
The wonderful Grand Master Moy Yat is an example to be appointed, who knew how to teach wisely the Ving Tsun System and his knowledge to his disciples, especially to Mr Leo Imamura. That trough the called "Kung Fu Life", a sort of daily living with the master in different situations of day-to-day, a disciple can experience and demonstrate his learning.
As important as passing knowledge from the Master, is the disciple's cleverness to notice the simplest details while learning ...
The work of this excellent ... Mr Leo Imamura is essential for beginners in learning Ving Tsun ... "
(Mr Enio Cuono - 03 October 1991)
This way of thinking of Si Taai Gung Moy Yat, who values living through reports as a way of learning, was brought to Brazil by Si Gung Leo Imamura. Si Gung touched many people with this way of passing down his knowledge, as we see in the letter below, written by the then President of Kung Fu Wushu Federation of the State of São Paulo, Mr. Enio Cuono:
"The work achieved with Kung Fu and martial arts, gave me the opportunity to live and join with great masters, real idealists from this ancestral Chinese art. This allowed a deeper knowledge on the subject, bringing up other important points that are undoubtedly essential to the personal development of a practitioner.
The wonderful Grand Master Moy Yat is an example to be appointed, who knew how to teach wisely the Ving Tsun System and his knowledge to his disciples, especially to Mr Leo Imamura. That trough the called "Kung Fu Life", a sort of daily living with the master in different situations of day-to-day, a disciple can experience and demonstrate his learning.
As important as passing knowledge from the Master, is the disciple's cleverness to notice the simplest details while learning ...
The work of this excellent ... Mr Leo Imamura is essential for beginners in learning Ving Tsun ... "
(Mr Enio Cuono - 03 October 1991)
(Celebração dos 13 anos de Família Kung Fu de Si Sok Ursula,Diretora do Núcleo Copacabana e líder da Família Moy Lin Mah, no antigo Núcleo Jacarepaguá. Estavam presentes: Si Fu, eu , Si Sok André, Si Sok Ursula e Vlad Anchieta)
(Celebrating the 13th year of Si Sok Ursula Lima, the head of MYVT Copacabana School and leader of Moy Lin Mah family, in the KF family at the old MYVT Jacarepagua school in Rio. There were: Si Fu, Si Sok Ursula, Si Sok Andre' , Vlad Anchieta and me.)
Em 2013 fazem 40 anos que Bruce Lee morreu. E mesmo ele, a quem todos atribuem um discurso rebelde em relação a maneira tradicional de se transmitir uma arte. Tinha um grande respeito por seu Si Fu, o Patriarca Ip Man,e pela sua maneira de conduzir sua Família Kung Fu como vemos abaixo num parágrafo que o próprio Bruce Lee certa vez escreveu:
“Ensinar requer uma mente sensível e com grande flexibilidade. Acima de tudo, um professor não depende de um método ou de uma prática sistemática de rotinas: Ele estuda cada aluno e o desperta para explorar a si mesmo interna e externamente, e para finalmente se integrar a seu próprio ser. Esse tipo de ensinamento, que na realidade não é um ensinamento, requer uma mente sensível com grande flexibilidade, o que é difícil de se encontrar hoje em dia.”
In 2013 has been 40 years since Bruce Lee died. And even he, whom all attribute a rebel speech against the traditional way of transmitting an art. Had a great respect for his Si Fu, Patriarch Ip Man and his way of conducting his Kung Fu Family as seen below in a paragraph that Bruce Lee himself once wrote:
"Teaching requires a sensitive mind and with great flexibility. Above all, a teacher does not depend on a method or a systematic practice routine: He studies each student to explore and awaken themselves internally and externally, and to finally integrate to them own being. This type of teaching, which in reality is not a teaching, requires a sensitive mind with great flexibility, which is hard to find nowadays. "
In 2013 has been 40 years since Bruce Lee died. And even he, whom all attribute a rebel speech against the traditional way of transmitting an art. Had a great respect for his Si Fu, Patriarch Ip Man and his way of conducting his Kung Fu Family as seen below in a paragraph that Bruce Lee himself once wrote:
"Teaching requires a sensitive mind and with great flexibility. Above all, a teacher does not depend on a method or a systematic practice routine: He studies each student to explore and awaken themselves internally and externally, and to finally integrate to them own being. This type of teaching, which in reality is not a teaching, requires a sensitive mind with great flexibility, which is hard to find nowadays. "
(Material de divulgação para as pessoas assistirem a Defesa da minha monografia em 2008..rs)
(Some promotional add flyer wich I made in 2008 to invite people to watch me defending my final presentation before Graduation in College!lol)
(Café da Tarde nas proximidades do Núcleo Méier. Da esquerda p/ direita: André Almeida, eu e Ailton Jordão)
(Evenning Coffee-break near to MYVT Meier School. From left to right: Andre' Almeida, me and Ailton Jordao)
Si Gung por mais de uma vez já contou sobre quando ia a NY para praticar com
Si Taai Gung, e a fim de aproveitar cada segundo de seu tempo, praticava por horas seguidas. Isso fez com que certa vez Si Taai Gung Moy Yat parasse ao lado dele e indagasse: “Leo, você não acha que pratica demais não?”
Si Gung mais tarde compreendeu a importância de dar pausas durante a prática, de parar para tomar um chá* (*Yam Cha). A fim de conseguir refletir sobre a experiência vivida e conseguir tomar consciência sobre o que de fato aconteceu.
Si Taai Gung, and to enjoy every second of his time, practicing for hours. This made once Si Taai Gung Moy Yat stopped beside him and inquire: "Leo, dont you think you practice to much?"
Si Gung later understood the importance of take breaks during practice, stopping for tea * (* Yam Cha). In order to successfully reflect on the experience and get aware about what actually happened.
(Lucas Eustáquio, no primeiro dia de funcionamento do Núcleo Méier em 2011)
Lucas Eustáquio in the first day of MYVT Meier School started to run wild in 2011)
Já Si Taai Gung Moy Yat dizia que a diferença entre ele e um praticante regular, era que ele era Si Fu 24 horas por dia 7 dias por semana. Por isso, não necessariamente você só pratica quando está no Mo Gun. Você pode usar a sua arte em cada simples momento do seu dia-a-dia.
A vida Kung Fu, mediada por alguém com experiência para tal, mostra ao aprendiz em situações do cotidiano, como poderia ter usado seu Kung Fu em cada um de seus atos.
Once Si Taai Gung Moy Yat said that the difference between him and a regular practitioner, was that he was Si Fu 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Not only twice in a week for one or two hours. Because You can use your art in every single moment of your day-to-day.
Kung Fu Life, mediated by someone with experience to do so, shows the learner in everyday situations, as it could have used his Kung Fu in each of his acts.
Once Si Taai Gung Moy Yat said that the difference between him and a regular practitioner, was that he was Si Fu 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Not only twice in a week for one or two hours. Because You can use your art in every single moment of your day-to-day.
Kung Fu Life, mediated by someone with experience to do so, shows the learner in everyday situations, as it could have used his Kung Fu in each of his acts.

E isso eu aprendi na sala da casa de meu Si Fu.
Finally, I recently heard from my Si Fu that if we really refine our Kung Fu, we will do everything with art. There will be no more acceptable to be technically good, and a bad son, a bad father, a bad friend, o a more or less boss.
And that I learned at my Si Fu's living room.
Thiago Pereira, "Moy Faat Lei"