I'm reading a book about a guy who is able to make time-jumps, but because of an accident, he gets stuck in 2007. He can go to any time spent in his own life-history, but he can not go back to 2009, his real-time. And seriously, after watching "The Butterfly Effect" about 450 times, I never thought it was a bad idea to travel in time. Sometimes we have bad days, like mine yesterday promised to be, and go back and change things would not be so bad. But on a second thought, even though much of Chinese logic is based on "on no-action", makes an action, creates a "new cycle", when we do an action, within it is created a new beginning .... a new beginning with new possibilities.
Wednesday Night Runnin' Wild at MYVT Barra
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
Nas noites de Quarta, temos as sessões da Cynthia Tong no Mo Gun da Barra. Geralmente sou eu que dou essas sessões, e pelo horário, não tem mais ninguém no Mo Gun. Mas pensando principalmente no desenvolvimento da Cynthia aliado ao potencial desse novo horário, foi conversando com Si Fu que surgiu a idéia de atividades noturnas nas Quartas e momentos de Vida Kung-Fu.
On Wednesday nights, we have sessions of Siu Nim Tau with Cynthia Tong in Gun MYVT Barra Mo Gun. Generally I´m the one who gives these sessions to her, and because of the time, there always no one else in Mo Gun. But thinking mainly in the developing of Cynthia ally with the potential of those moments, I was talking with Si Fu when the idea of evening activities on Wednesday and moments of Kung-Fu Life came out.
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
Bruno Bernardo e Ricardo Mendes não se conheciam até a noite de ontem, e puderam praticar juntos e ganhar boas experiências com isso. Na verdade, os dois se conheceram porque, sabe-se lá como, eu que saí do Mo Gun do Méier 15 minutos antes de Ricardo, cheguei 10 minutos depois dele..rs E foi quando ele encontrou Bruno.
Bruno Bernardo and Ricardo Mendes did not know each other until last night, and could practice together and gain good experiences with it. In fact, the two met because, who knows how, I come out from the MYVT Meier Mo Gun 15 minutes before Ricardo, and I arrived 10 minutes later .. lol And it was when he met Bruno.
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
Outro ponto alto para mim, foi a presença de Tatiana Palumbo "Moy Yi Gap", discípula de Si Fu, que pôde ajudar seus irmãos kung fu mais novos durante a prática. Como vemos na foto junto dela, Fabio Sá e o próprio Ricardo.
Another great thing, was the presence of Tatiana Palumbo "Moy Yi Gap", disciple of Si Fu, who could help her young kung fu brothers during practice. As we see, Fabio Sa is by her side, while Ricardo does the Siu Nim Do.
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
Cynthia pela segunda semana consecutiva , pôde praticar com outra pessoa além de mim nas noites de Quarta. Porém dessa vez, como Si Je de André Almeida, Cynthia trabalhou "O outro lado" de seu próprio processo dentro do Siu Nim Tau. Ajudando André com o Pak Sau/Pak Da.
Cynthia for the second consecutive week, was able to practice with someone else besides me on Wednesday nights. But this time, as Si Je of André Almeida. Cynthia worked "the other side" of her own process within the Siu Nim Tau. Helping André with his Pak Sau / Da Pak
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
Eu também estava lá nesta versão-California, e pratiquei com o pessoal, graças a presença de Tati, que orientava outras duplas.
I was also there in this Californian-Version, and practiced with the fellas, thanks to the presence of Tatiana, who guided the other pairs.
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
Costumamos olhar apenas para o que está aparente bem diante de nossos olhos, mas cada uma das pessoas que esteve lá ontem, se torna agora, alguém com uma experiência maior do que tinha antes, inclusive para influenciar a prática de outras pessoas futuramente.. obviamente, bem como a sua própria...
We tend to look only at what is apparent right before our eyes, but every single person that was there yesterday, it is now, someone with more experience than had before, able to influence the practice of others in the future .. obviously, as well as its own ...
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
A noite terminou quando assistimos juntos o filme "A Batalha dos 3 Reinos" (REDCLIFF) , um filme de estratégia de John Woo.
We also watched the John Woo´s movie RED CLIFF about strategy.
By blogdopereira at 2012-09-06
Eu acabei por dormir no Mo Gun com André Almeida, que vemos na foto comigo, e estranhei realmente não ter estourado nenhum cano, nada ter pegado fogo, ou até mesmo um puma entrar pela janela e comer as frutas dos ancestrais... Você sabe! Este tipo de coisa que acontece quando você dorme no Mo Gun...
I ended up sleeping in Mo Gun with Andre Almeida, who is in the picture with me, and I tought it was really strange not to have any burst pipe, nothing on fire during night, or even a cougar breaking through the window and eat the fruit of the ancestors ... You know... This kind of thing that happens when you sleep in Mo Gun ...
Thiago Pereira "Moy Fat Lei"