(todos os direitos reservados: jovemnerd.com.br)
Alexandre Ottoni e Deivi Pazos, deixariam qualquer piscologa de Ensino Médio a ver navios com seus testes vocacionais,quando "inventaram" seu emprego, trabalhando no que gostam e contagiando milhares de pessoas pelo país com seu podcast sobre cultura nerd. Hoje talvez o Podcast mais acessado do Brasil.
Alexandre Ottoni and Deivi Pazos, would make any high school adviser nuts, when they "invented" their job, working on what they like and infecting thousands of people across the country with their podcast about nerd culture. Today perhaps the most accessed Podcast of Brazil.
They two every week with friends , guests, and specialists talk about nerd culture :movie, animes, comics, history, etc...
Há 3 anos atrás, eu tive a chance de mandar um texto sobre Kung Fu lido no ar... como o tempo voa! rs
Three years ago, I had the chance to send a text about kung fu read on the air! Time goes by very fast!
Thiago Pereira,12G VT