It was on a Thursday afternoon at the MYVT Rio Branch,that Si Fu decided to change the Muk Yan Jong place. To this was necessary to have a good varnish on them. And after spotting the whole floor of Meier
Mo Gun with paint several times, I was skilled to keep that from happening again
With a bigger skill and calm, in the same time, my Si Fu was painting to bring back the colors once painted by Si Taai Gung Moy Yat, when he gave this as a gift to
Si Baak Paulo Freitas(11G VT)[photo],who later, gave this to our Mo Gun.Si Fu caprichando em cada linha neste lindo fim de tarde na Barra da Tijuca.
Si fu doing his best in every line in this beautiful evening at MYVT Rio.
Enquanto isso eu tentava parar de passar verniz em mim mesmo.
While that, I was trying to not paint myself with varnish.
Si Fu fez uma moldura especial para esta obra, e hoje ela encontra-se pendurada na sala de prática principal.
De fato, em nosso Mo Gun, Si Fu prioriza os presentes dados por seu Si Fu e Si gung , e nesse caso de um Si hing para decorarem o local.
Si Fu made a special frame for this work, and today it is hang on the main practice room.In fact, in our
Mo Gun , Si Fu prefers the gifts given by his Si Fu and Si gung,and in this case from a Si hing to decorate the place.
Thiago Pereira,12G VT