Você se transforma de uma maneira que nunca imaginou. Você se torna capaz de realizar tarefas que até então nunca tinha tentado....
E aproveitando que hoje, passei o dia lixando as futuras cadeiras reservadas ao Si Fu e Si Gung, vamos falar de uma área especial do Mo Gun que vem sendo montada aos poucos no Méier...
You will see yourself doing things that somehow you used to believe that you were not able to do.
And as today I spent all day sanding the chairs for Si Fu and Si Gung, I´d like to talk about... JING TONG(正堂), San Toi (神台)
san juen paai 神主牌.
Vai ser fácil lembrar no desenho da Disney "Mulan", quando ela fazia preces numa espécie de salão dedicado aos ancestrais de sua Família. Este salão, é chamado na China de
You will remember in Disney´s MULAN , a scene that she went to some small house in her garden to do some prayers for her ancestors right? This place is called
Jing (正) - Significa "principal". ( means "main")
Tong(堂) - Significa "salao" (means "hall" )
Mas esse ideograma Tong(堂) é um salão com um proposito especifico. Seja ele uma sala de aula, ou um museu como o "Ip Man Tong" ("salao de Ip Man").
But this character Tong(堂) is a hall with a specific purpose. Being a classroom or a museum like
"IP MAN TONG" in FatSan.
Tong(堂) - Significa "salao" (means "hall" )
Mas esse ideograma Tong(堂) é um salão com um proposito especifico. Seja ele uma sala de aula, ou um museu como o "Ip Man Tong" ("salao de Ip Man").
But this character Tong(堂) is a hall with a specific purpose. Being a classroom or a museum like
"IP MAN TONG" in FatSan.
No Mo Gun, o JING TONG(正堂) é o local principal. Pois é nele que estão representados os ancestrais de nossa Linhagem. E , ainda que não seja um "salão", o Jing Tong pode ser representado em uma parede ou parte dela.
In Mo Gun, the JING TONG(正堂) is the main place. 'Cause is there that the ancestors are represented. And even not being a Hall only for this purpose, you can use a wall or a part of it.
In Mo Gun, the JING TONG(正堂) is the main place. 'Cause is there that the ancestors are represented. And even not being a Hall only for this purpose, you can use a wall or a part of it.
Nele também está representado o San Toi (神台)...
In JING TONG(正堂) is also present the San Toi (神台)...
Si Gung, Si Fu e Si sok Ursula, observam a "mesa ancestral" [San Toi (神台)]durante a inauguração das novas instalações do Núcleo Rio de Janeiro.
Si Gung, Si Fu e Si Sok Ursula looks to the "ancestor table" [San Toi (神台)]during the grand oppening of the new facilities of MYVT Rio Mo Gun.
Si Gung, Si Fu e Si Sok Ursula looks to the "ancestor table" [San Toi (神台)]during the grand oppening of the new facilities of MYVT Rio Mo Gun.
san toi (神台) literalmente significa "mesa ancestral". Este local também pode receber o nome de:
"cheung heung on" (長香案) ou simplesmente "heung on" (香案) onde "heung on" significa simplesmente
"mesa de queimar incenso".
[San Toi (神台)] literally means "ancestor table" , but also can be named by "cheung heung on" (長香案) or simply "heung on" (香案) wich means "Burning incense table".
[San Toi (神台)] literally means "ancestor table" , but also can be named by "cheung heung on" (長香案) or simply "heung on" (香案) wich means "Burning incense table".
Si Mo faz três reverencias com incenso em direção a mesa ancestral.
Si Mo doing the reverences for the Ancestors Table.
Si Mo doing the reverences for the Ancestors Table.
heung lo (香爐) é como é chamado o incensário. Ele representa a única relíquia encontrada pelos Cinco Ancestrais após o incêndio em Shaolin(Siu Lam). Um incensário com 3 pés.
no fundo de um incensário poderia haver a inscrição “Fan Ching Fuk Ming 反清復明” (“Derrubar os Qing e Restaurar os Ming”)quando os ritos realizados em períodos de forte agitação política ocorriam.
heung lo (香爐)is the name of the place where you put the incenses. This object represents the relic found by the Shaolin(Siu Lam) five ancestors after the burning down of Shaolin.
In times of politic problems, when some ritual was made , it was common to find written under this object: “Fan Ching Fuk Ming 反清復明” ("Take the Ching Down and Rise up the Ming"). Na foto, vemos o incensário do Núcleo Rio de Janeiro. Preparado a anos atrás, e hoje cheio com cinzas dos próprios incensos queimados até hoje. Segundo Si fu em conversa, não seria incomum trazer terra de FatSan, e usar no incesário, como simbolo da ancestralidade. "É comum usar a terra da cidade natal do Si Fu."
O incenso quando queimado, se torna fumaça, e simbolicamente une o físico com o não-físico, celebrando o vincúlo entre o praticante e a ancestralidade.
In the photo, we see the censer of the MYVT Rio de Janeiro. Prepared years ago, and now filled with ashes of incense burnt to own today. According to Si fu in conversation, would not be unusual to bring FatSan soil, and use in the censer, as a symbol of ancestry. "It's common to use the Si Fu hometown soil ."
The incense, when burned, it makes smoke, and symbolically unites the physical and the nonphysical, celebrating the link between the practitioner and ancestry.
In the photo, we see the censer of the MYVT Rio de Janeiro. Prepared years ago, and now filled with ashes of incense burnt to own today. According to Si fu in conversation, would not be unusual to bring FatSan soil, and use in the censer, as a symbol of ancestry. "It's common to use the Si Fu hometown soil ."
The incense, when burned, it makes smoke, and symbolically unites the physical and the nonphysical, celebrating the link between the practitioner and ancestry.
O Méier tem uma coisa engraçada, que é o fato de que mesmo os praticantes do Ving Tsun Experience, como Ailton Jordão, na foto, já se integrarem de tal forma, que muitas vezes você esquece que eles ainda não foram admitidos na Família por Si Fu.
na foto, vemos Ailton colocando frutas no San Toi do Méier.
At MYVT Meier a funny thing happens: is the fact that even the practitioners of the Ving Tsun Experience as Ailton Jordao(photo), has become integrated in such a way that you often forget that they have not yet been admitted to the Kung Fu Family.
the picture we see Ailton putting fruit in the San Toi of Meier Branch.
Gwaan Wai(關懷) é um termo que pode ser traduzido como "zelo", e é isso que as frutas representam. Pois, se este é o local mais importante da Mo Gun, e a fruta estraga, significa que o restante não está também sendo cuidado.
You can translate Gwaan Wai(關懷) as "zeal" . And the fruits represents that. 'Cause if the main place of the Mo Gun is not being cared , imagine the rest of place? So the fruits always has to be changed.
Abaixo, acompanhe o trailer do clássico Old School de 1974 "Five Shaolin Masters" (少林五祖).
Watch the classic trailer from the '70s : Five Shaolin Masters.
You can translate Gwaan Wai(關懷) as "zeal" . And the fruits represents that. 'Cause if the main place of the Mo Gun is not being cared , imagine the rest of place? So the fruits always has to be changed.
Abaixo, acompanhe o trailer do clássico Old School de 1974 "Five Shaolin Masters" (少林五祖).
Watch the classic trailer from the '70s : Five Shaolin Masters.
Antigamente , era comum as pessoas disporem nesse local frutas diferentes representando as frutas que os Cinco Ancestrais de Shaolin(Siu Lam) teriam se alimentado durante sua fuga.
In the old times, people used to use a sort of fruits representing the fruits that the Five Monks from Shaolin used to feed themselves.
No filme "LEGEND IS BORN" , Yuen Biao que interpreta Ng Chun Sok, a todo momento fala com uma espécie de placa disposta no San Toi do Mo Gun. Observe na foto acima a tal placa, e abaixo um prato com frutas.
In the movie "LEGEND IS BORN" , Yuen Biao plays Ng Chun Sok, and a lot of times he talks to some tablet on the San Toi. Look the tablet and under it some fruits.
Ng Chun Sok protege a placa com sua vida, ainda que todo o resto tenha sido destruído.
He protects it with his own life 'till the end of the movie.
He protects it with his own life 'till the end of the movie.
Esta placa tem um nome, e se chama San Juen Paai (神主牌) ou "tabuleta ancestral".
This tablet has a name: San Juen Paai (神主牌) or "Ancestors Tablet".
This tablet has a name: San Juen Paai (神主牌) or "Ancestors Tablet".
Esse é o San Juen Paai presente em nosso Mo Gun na Barra da Tijuca. Nele, seguindo indicação de Grão-Mestre Moy Yat está escrito: "Tabuletas espirituais dos mestres ancestrais e sábios das sucessivas gerações do Ving Tsun Paai (詠春派, 歷代祖 師暨先賢之神位) ”
"spiritual Tablets of the ancient masters and sages of successive generations of the Ving Tsun Paai "(詠春派, 歷代祖 師暨先賢之神位), that was Si Taai Gung Moy Yat asked to be written in our Tablets. You see in the picture the San Juen Paai from MYVT RIo branch.
"spiritual Tablets of the ancient masters and sages of successive generations of the Ving Tsun Paai "(詠春派, 歷代祖 師暨先賢之神位), that was Si Taai Gung Moy Yat asked to be written in our Tablets. You see in the picture the San Juen Paai from MYVT RIo branch.
A origem do San Juen Paai segundo Si Gung:
San Juen Pai´s origns by Si Gung:
San Juen Pai´s origns by Si Gung:
"... It is believed that the tablets had their ancestral home in the fourth century BC during the Warring States Period. The Duke Man 文 from the State of 晋 Gin, Gin Man Gung 晋文公 , had to flee from his kingdom due to a civil uprising. His friend Gai Choi Ji 介 之 推 followed him for 17 of the 19 years of exile. When the Duke settled again, Gai 介 refused high office because he knew the futility of high officialdom and politics involving the post . He retired with his mother to the mountains and still refused to serve the Duke that this urge to invite. the monarch, in a moment of anger, had set fire to the forest where was Gai 介, intending to do so to return to city. But Gai and his mother dying and there remained stuck in a tree. the Duke was sorry and regretted his stupidity. Then he ordered the wood of the tree where Gai 介 deceased was carved in the form of plaque to commemorate the loyalty of his friend ... "
Once more you see a "San Juen Pai" in Disney´s Mulan with arcaic characters.
Em resumo, peça de muitissima importância dentro do Mo Gun, o San Juen Paai representa os ancestrais.
Assim, Ng Chun Sok em "Legend is Born" protege a placa pois ela representa o que havia de mais valioso em seu Mo Gun: O Legado de sua linhagem.
The San Juen Pai has a great importance inside Mo Gun.
Thats why Ng Chun Sok in the movie protected the plaque with so much effort 'cause that represented his art´s legacy.Essa postagem especial não termina por aqui!
Aguarde a continuação nos próximos dias!
Keep coming for more next days!
Keep coming for more next days!
Thiago Pereira,12G VT