Gostaria de pedir desculpas pela falta de periodicidade do
BLOG DO PEREIRA, mas é que de uma hora pra outra minha vida está me “engolindo”..rs O que não é nada bom!Só pra se ter uma idéia, me pergunto porque minha vida não entra também numa espécie de “Saga dos Clones”. Tipo, todos os personagens que gosto da Marvel, em algum momento tiveram um arco de historias onde surgem clones ou algo que o valha.Com a quantidade de coisas que eu tenho pra fazer ultimamente, nem que fosse uma versão “evil” minha com cavanhaque,não seria de todo mal,contanto que me ajudasse...
Mas como no mundo real isso não acontece (Será mesmo? rs) até que eu organize tudo, para que o BLOG não fique parado, tenho trazido sempre reportagens com ótimo conteúdo, mas que eu não precise escrever muito!
Por isso, peço que vocês dêem um clique na imagem abaixo para ler esta excelente reportagem com meu Mestre Julio Camacho, onde mais uma vez o tema se refere a como podemos olhar para as artes marciais, em especial o Ving Tsun, sem estereotipias.
Espero que aproveitem!
Hello everyone!
But as in the real world such a thinhgs does not happen , until I organize everything, the blog can not stand still, So I´ll always bring reviews(magazines or newspaper) with great content about Ving Tsun, So I do not need to write a lot!
Read this excellent article with my Si Fu, where once again the theme refers to how we look at the martial arts, especially the Ving Tsun, without stereotypes.
Hope you enjoy!
Is very common associate martial arts with a lot of techniques about kicks and punches, in a stereotyped vision based on movies or based on violent tournaments , where you can not see nothing about "art". But before I start, I´d like to ask you to let aside all those images from your mind, so we can talk about the truly and healthly practice of the Martial Arts in all its essence. And how it can act in our daily life becoming a very important tool for a better quality of life.
There is a worldwide tendence in great corporations to invest in its employees corporal development,trying to decrease the tension from the daily problems.
What I´ll try to explain on the next lines, is why the martial arts when practiced correctly may prove itself as one of the most effective tools in this regard.
When we talk about MArtial Arts, we must remember why we are talkin' about "Art".
When talk about "Art" we can understand as a capacity to create, free expression, or transform something in a real thing.
Martial comes from "Mars"(Marte), the God of War in the Greco-Roman Mithology.This war is sibolyzed by the challenge to fight, day after day, against our own fears and insecurities
A true martial artist, expresses his arts all the time trough his gestures ,movements and actions.
We know that as bigger is the tension of someone,smaller is his perception ability and also action.
We can also say that one of the goals of the martial arts is to take the person to a full relaxed state ,where he can increase his perception deciding and acting faster with self-confidence,precision and determination.
So, why fight gestures?
If we think a little bit more, we will see that the higher tension moment in our lives maybe is when we have to defend this same life. It is a basic instintic of self-preservation, and this is where the martial arts is contextualized. If someone can stay relaxed during a extreme crises situation, this person can put this same feeling in his daily life , by definition, less tensioned.
Thats the reason for the Fight Gestures.
To be able to get in this level without fight. It is proved that our mind do not see difference between the real and the imagination. The fight movements has the goal to take the human being deeper inside himself , this way he can know himself better and can control himself better.
The real fight happens everytime in life, and is for this fight that the martial artist prepare himself everyday.
Another time we can also discuss some other benefits from martial arts inside and outisde companies and how this proccess can be changed in increase of productivity.
Master Julio Camacho (11G VT) is graduated in Publicity (adman) and is the Representant of
MOY YAT VING TSUN in Rio de Janeiro State.
Thiago Pereira,12G VT