
"IP MAN 2" não é tão ruim assim. Na verdade, muita gente gostou bastante, a grande questão é que você pode dividir essa película em duas. Onde uma não tem nada haver com a outra!
IP MAN 2 reune cenas magnificas como esta do início quando Ip Man ainda sem alunos todos os dias fica num terraço esperando alguém aparecer.
Somente quem coordena atividades de artes marciais sabe como isso é. Esta foi uma parte que me tocou muito.
Vamos comparar com a realidade:
"IP MAN 2" is not so bad. In fact, many people enjoyed it, the big issue is that you can share this film in two. Where one has nothing to do with the other!
IP MAN brings together two magnificent scenes like this from the beginning when Ip Man was still without students and every day stays on a rooftop waiting for someone to appear.
Only those who coordinates activities of martial arts know how it is. This was one part that touched me.
Let's compare with reality:
"IP MAN 2" is not so bad. In fact, many people enjoyed it, the big issue is that you can share this film in two. Where one has nothing to do with the other!
IP MAN brings together two magnificent scenes like this from the beginning when Ip Man was still without students and every day stays on a rooftop waiting for someone to appear.
Only those who coordinates activities of martial arts know how it is. This was one part that touched me.
Let's compare with reality:
(Ip Man, Lee Wing e a direita Leung Sheung nos anos '50)
(Ip Man, Lee Wing and on the right Leung Sheung '50s)
Ip Man em 1949 foi para Hong Kong sozinho em virtude da ocupação japonesa via Macau.
Acontece que Ip Man não levou a família junto de uma vez como o filme mostra. A princípio um conhecido seu o apresentou ao senhor de pé a direita na foto chamado Leung Sheung. Que queria conhecer o Si Fu de Ving Tsun de nome Ip Man.
Ip Man in 1949 went to Hong Kong alone via Macao because of the Japanese occupation .
It turns out that Ip Man did not take his entire family together at once as the film shows. At first an acquaintance introduced him to the man standing in the right in the photo called Leung Sheung. Leung Sheung wanted to know Kung Fu Ving Tsun Ip Man.
Ip Man in 1949 went to Hong Kong alone via Macao because of the Japanese occupation .
It turns out that Ip Man did not take his entire family together at once as the film shows. At first an acquaintance introduced him to the man standing in the right in the photo called Leung Sheung. Leung Sheung wanted to know Kung Fu Ving Tsun Ip Man.
Leung Sheung era uma pessoa de influência pois era o chefe do Hong Kong Restaurant Workers' Union e já tinha treinado outras artes marciais. Ele pediu por uma demonstração com Ip Man que o tratou como "Si Fu Leung".
Leung Sheung o atacou com uma técnica chamada "O Tigre Pula para fora da floresta", porém por 3 vezes Leung Sheung foi ao chão pelas mãos de Ip Man que usou o Pow Pai Jeang do Ving Tsun para arremesá-lo.
Impressionado, Leung Sheung cedeu o terraço na Tai Nam Street e graças a sua influência muitos praticantes se juntaram ao grupo. Logo, alguns nomes conhecidos como Lok Yu e Wong Shun Leung apareceriam.
Mr. Leung Sheung was a person of influence because he was the head of the Hong Kong Restaurant Workers' Union and had trained other martial arts. He called for a demonstration with Ip Man who treated him as "Si Fu Leung."
Leung Sheung attacked him with a technique called "The Tiger jumps out of the forest," but Leung Sheung was throwed three times to the floor by the hands of Ip Man who used the Pow Pai Jeang of Ving Tsun .
Impressed, Leung Sheung gave the rooftop at Tai Nam Street and through his influence many practitioners have joined the group. Soon, some familiar names such as Lok Yu and Wong Shun Leung appear.
Leung Sheung attacked him with a technique called "The Tiger jumps out of the forest," but Leung Sheung was throwed three times to the floor by the hands of Ip Man who used the Pow Pai Jeang of Ving Tsun .
Impressed, Leung Sheung gave the rooftop at Tai Nam Street and through his influence many practitioners have joined the group. Soon, some familiar names such as Lok Yu and Wong Shun Leung appear.
Ip Man também teve alunas mulheres como vemos na foto Lee Ngan foon, She Mei King, Lo Tei e Ah Tim
Ip Man also had women as students as we see in the picture Lee Ngan foon, She Mei King, Lo Tei and Ah Tim
Ip Man also had women as students as we see in the picture Lee Ngan foon, She Mei King, Lo Tei and Ah Tim
No filme porém, um jornalista local muito parecido com Leung Sheung cede este terraço para que "O GRANDE MESTRE" ensine o Ving Tsun. O primeiro a aparecer no entanto é Wong Shun Leung que o desafia, em referência a uma história na qual Wong Shun Leung teria desafiado Ip Man ao conhecê-lo.
In the movie however, a local journalist much like Leung Sheung let Ip Man teach Ving Tsun on his rooftop. The first to appear, however, is Wong Shun Leung who challenges him, in reference to a story in which Wong Shun Leung would be challenged Ip Man when met him for the first time.
In the movie however, a local journalist much like Leung Sheung let Ip Man teach Ving Tsun on his rooftop. The first to appear, however, is Wong Shun Leung who challenges him, in reference to a story in which Wong Shun Leung would be challenged Ip Man when met him for the first time.
Wong Shun Leung se torna o Daai Si Hing e traz muitos outros interessados consigo.
Wong Shun Leung becomes the Daai Si Hing and brings a lot of people with him.
Wong Shun Leung becomes the Daai Si Hing and brings a lot of people with him.
O Muk Yan Jong (boneco de madeira) é um símbolo sempre presente neste e no primeiro filme. Nesta cena é representado o momento em que Ip Man demonstra pela primeira vez o boneco para seus alunos.
The Muk Yan Jong (wooden dummy) is a symbol always present in this and the first film. This scene represents the time when Ip Man demonstrates for the first time the dummy for his students.
The Muk Yan Jong (wooden dummy) is a symbol always present in this and the first film. This scene represents the time when Ip Man demonstrates for the first time the dummy for his students.
(1º Muk Yan Jong de Moy Yat)
(Moy Yat´s first Jong)
(Moy Yat´s first Jong)
Foi em 1957 que por $ 60 Hong Kong Dollars um famoso carpinteiro de Hong Kong fez o primeiro Jong.
O boneco causou tanto furor que Ip Man temeu que alunos que não estavam no nível para treiná-lo o usassem. Ip Man decidiu esconder os braços do Jong. Alguns alunos porém não entenderam as boas intenções do Patriarca e acharam que estavam sendo tratados de maneira diferente.
Ip Po Ching foi o primeiro a aprender o Jong em Hong Kong. Segundo Si Taai Gung Moy Yat: "...não foi porque ele tinha o mesmo nome de Ip Man ou porque era mais esperto que nós. Estou certo que foi apenas questão de sorte."
It was in 1957 for $ 60 Hong Kong Dollars a famous carpenter of Hong Kong made the first Jong.
The dummy has caused such a furor that Ip Man feared that students who were not at the level to train on it use it. So Ip Man decided to hide the arms of the Jong. But some students did not understand the good intentions of the Patriarch and thought they were being treated differently.
Ip Po Ching was the first to learn Jong in Hong Kong. According Si Taai Gung Moy Yat: "... it was not because he had the same name of Ip Man or because he was smarter than us. I'm sure it was just luck."
It was in 1957 for $ 60 Hong Kong Dollars a famous carpenter of Hong Kong made the first Jong.
The dummy has caused such a furor that Ip Man feared that students who were not at the level to train on it use it. So Ip Man decided to hide the arms of the Jong. But some students did not understand the good intentions of the Patriarch and thought they were being treated differently.
Ip Po Ching was the first to learn Jong in Hong Kong. According Si Taai Gung Moy Yat: "... it was not because he had the same name of Ip Man or because he was smarter than us. I'm sure it was just luck."
Tudo vai bem até que Ah Leung cai em contenda com um aluno praticante de Hung Ga. E minha pergunta com a voz do Leandro Hassum é: "MEU DEUS DO CÈU! QUE TOUCA É ESSA?"
Everything goes well until Ah Leung falls into a fight with a student practitioner of Hung Ga. And my question with the voice of Leandro Hassum is: "Oh my God! WHAT CAP IS THIS?"
Everything goes well until Ah Leung falls into a fight with a student practitioner of Hung Ga. And my question with the voice of Leandro Hassum is: "Oh my God! WHAT CAP IS THIS?"
Sério! Estamos onde? Anos '50? Que touca é essa? Na verdade a roupa toda! Se colocar esse rapaz numa Boyband chinesa ninguém diz que ele não é de nossa época!!!
Really man! Where are we? 50´s? What cap is that? Indeed his entire clothe! If we put this boy in a chinese Boyband nobody would say that he is not from our time.
Really man! Where are we? 50´s? What cap is that? Indeed his entire clothe! If we put this boy in a chinese Boyband nobody would say that he is not from our time.
Na verdade foi uma pena quando Ip Man usou esses cutelos para resgatar seu aluno sequestrado. Porque a partir deste ponto o filme desandou.
Actually it was a shame when Ip Man used these knives to rescue his kidnapped student. Because from this point the film fell apart.
Actually it was a shame when Ip Man used these knives to rescue his kidnapped student. Because from this point the film fell apart.
Ip Man acaba ganhando um rival local do estilo Hung Ga interpretado por Sammo Hung que não contente em ser coreografo, resolveu tomar o filme todo para si. Uma pena!
\Ip Man earns a rival from Hung Ga style played by Sammo Hung. Sammo was not happy behind the scenes, so he took the movie to him! Sham on him!
\Ip Man earns a rival from Hung Ga style played by Sammo Hung. Sammo was not happy behind the scenes, so he took the movie to him! Sham on him!
Acontece que o personagem de Sammo Hung que tem rabo-preso com a polícia , já que sua associação de Mestres é obrigada a pagar uma quantia para o delegado, se vê diante de um boxeador britânico que faz pouco caso das artes marciais chinesas. E nesse ponto do filme eu juro: eu esqueci que era sobre Ip Man!!!
Sammo Hung character´s pays the police force with the money of the Kung Fu Masters Association. His character also has to defend chinese boxing honor before a britanic boxer. And at this point I tought: Where is IP MAN??? The movie was not about him?
Sammo Hung character´s pays the police force with the money of the Kung Fu Masters Association. His character also has to defend chinese boxing honor before a britanic boxer. And at this point I tought: Where is IP MAN??? The movie was not about him?
Em 1984 Apollo Creed interpretado pelo excelente Carl Weathers(o mesmo que apronta pro grupo de Shwarzennegger em "O PREDADOR"), decide mostrar "do que a América é capaz" ao russo Ivan Drago que se diz o futuro do boxe. E advinha?
In 1984 Apollo Creed played by the great Carl Weathers (the same man who put the Governator´s team in trouble in PEDRATOR) decided to show "what America can do" agains the russian (and movie legend) IVan Dragon played by Dolph Lundgreen! And guess what?
Drago mata Apollo com a célebre frase : "Se ele morrer...morreu"
e em "IP MAN 2".....
Drago kills Apollo saying: "If he dies...dies." And what happened to Ip Man?
O personagem de Sammo morre depois de impedir Ip Man de "Jogar a toalha" assim como Apollo pediu para o Rocky em "ROCKY IV"
His character dies after stop Ip Man to throw the toil as Apollo did in ROCKY IV.
His character dies after stop Ip Man to throw the toil as Apollo did in ROCKY IV.
Ip Man não acredita no que está vendo, e advinha o que ele faz?
Ip Man dont believe in it, and what he did?
Ip Man dont believe in it, and what he did?
Jura vingança no velório do Si Fu de Hung Ga cruelmente assassinado no ringue.
E advinha o que Rocky Balboa fez??
He say to himself that he will avenge his friends death at his funeral!
And what Rocky did?Jurou vingança no velório de Apollo "O Doutrinador".
He swears to revenge his friend during his funeral!
He swears to revenge his friend during his funeral!
E advinha o que a equipe russa fez em ROCKY IV?
The Russian team in ROcky IV....
The Russian team in ROcky IV....
Pediu "desculpas" publicamente dizendo que havia sido um mal entendido.
Said that the death of Apollo Creed was just a misunderstood!
Said that the death of Apollo Creed was just a misunderstood!
E o que a equipe britânica em "IP MAN2" fez cara?
And in IP MAN 2...
And in IP MAN 2...
Pediu "desculpas" publicamente dizendo que foi um mal-entendido.
The British Team did the same!
E o que Ip Man fez?
And what Ip Man did?
E o que Ip Man fez?
And what Ip Man did?
Desafiou o lutador publicamente para uma revanche!
Challenged the birtish boxer for a match!
Challenged the birtish boxer for a match!
E o que Rocky fez???
And what Rocky did?
Bom, Rocky pegou seu carro , colocou a incrível musica "NO EASY WAY OUT" que sempre está no meu mp3 e saiu numa cena de video-clipe de quase cinco minutos com cenas dele e do Apollo em todos os filmes do Rocky. rsrs
Well, Rocky took his car and put the great song "NO EASY WAY OUT" and started to remember Apollo moments in Rocky movies like a big video-clip!
Well, Rocky took his car and put the great song "NO EASY WAY OUT" and started to remember Apollo moments in Rocky movies like a big video-clip!
Até as matérias nos jornais nos dois filmes são as mesmas!
Depois disso "IP MAN 2" vira um filme extremamente sem sentido onde Ip Man treina no Jong para enfrentar o boxer, sozinho e isolado. Rocky fez o mesmo se isolando na Russia.
After that, "IP MAN 2" turns to a movie extremelly without sense where Ip trains on the Jong like Rocky trained on the snow!
Drago pronto pra luta final(ROCKY IV)
Drago ready for the final fight!(ROCKY IV)
Drago ready for the final fight!(ROCKY IV)
O Boxer pronto pra luta final (IP MAN 2)
Brtish Boxer ready for the final fight (IP MAN 2)
Brtish Boxer ready for the final fight (IP MAN 2)
Ip man encara o "gigante" britânico pela honra de seu amigo.
Ip Man in front of the giant from england !
Ip Man in front of the giant from england !
Rocky encara o "gigante" soviético para honrar a morte de seu amigo.
Rocky in front of the giant of Russia!
Rocky in front of the giant of Russia!
Ip Man vence a luta!
Ip Man wins!
Ip Man wins!
Rocky vence a luta!
Rocky wins!
Rocky wins!
Ip man faz discurso motivacional em chinês com ajuda de tradutor.
Os presentes aplaudem.
E Rocky faz o quê??
Discurso motivacional em inglês com tradutor. E os russos fazem o quê?
É, assista ao video abaixo!
Ip Man makes a motivational speech with a translator and the public claps for him!
Guess what happened in ROCKY IV?
Watch the video!Donnie Yen foi muito esperto em parar no "IP MAN 2" mesmo!
O Blog do Pereira se pudesse recomendaria apenas a primeira parte do filme! Porque pra assistir essa outra metade sobre luta de boxe é melhor assistir Rocky IV!!
Donnie Yen is smart to stop in IP MAN 2!
To watch a Box movie I would go for ROCKY movies! Not Ip Man!!!(divulgação)
Thiago pereira,12G VT
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