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Vc ja deve estar cheio de me ver falando de Tae Kwon Do, mas foi uma das minhas unicas experiencias antes do Ving Tsun, na verdade a principal. Portanto..Me de um desconto para contar mais um causo! rs
Na foto acima vc me ve quando recebi a faixa-amarela, que vem logo depois da branca. Repare no local que nos cerca!
Na foto acima vc me ve quando recebi a faixa-amarela, que vem logo depois da branca. Repare no local que nos cerca!
Sim! Era uma Academia de Ginastica!
Entao vc pode saber que em 1998 numa academia a noite, pelo menos naquela, tocava a exaustao duas coisas: O Cd da Banda Eva ao vivo ("...Vem meu amor, me tirar da soldao!...Vem meu amooor!...", "Levada louca! Levada Louca!"....) e essa musica aqui embaixo!
You must be full to see me talking about Tae Kwon Do, but it was one of my only experience experience before Ving Tsun, indeed the main one. So .. give me a discount for another story! In the photo above you see me when I got the yellow belt, which comes soon after the white. Note the location around us! Yes! It was a Gym! So you can know that in 1998 a gym at night would play a lot two things: The live Cd of the Brazilian band called Banda Eva and this music down here!
Nas duas opcoes, eu duvido muito que o General Choi Hong Hee almejasse que os praticantes de Tae Kwon Do treinasse ao som de Ivete Sangalo ou de Haddaway!
In two cases, I dont think that the Gal. Choi Hong Hee would be happy to see the Tae Kwon Do practitioners trainning with these two songs.
"Quem eh o Mestre?"
Escolas de Artes Marciais com mais de uma unica Arte.
Escolas de Artes Marciais com mais de uma unica Arte.
"Who is the Master?"
Martial Arts Schools with more than one Martial Art.
Martial Arts Schools with more than one Martial Art.
Eu na verdade nao imaginava que pudesse existir naquela epoca, um local dedicado inteiramente apenas a arte marcial praticada ali. Mesmo em Madureira(Zona Norte do Rio), os Dojos eram divididos entre varias Artes Marciais japonesas. Entao era muito comum entrar num local e ver as fotos de Jigoro Kano, Morihei Ueshiba e Gishin Funakoshi na mesma parede, um do lado do outro, como se fossem um time para ser escolhido no jogo "The King Of Fighters" (O que seria muito legal !)...rs
E era muito engracado ver que se vc era o Instrutor de Aikido, vc tirava a foto do Jigoro Kano do meio, e botava a do Morihei Ueshiba.Ai na aula seguinte, vinha o Instrutor de Karate e botava a do Funakoshi no meio...
Nao sei, acho que os instrutores achavam que o Patriarca que tivesse sua foto entre as duas era o "chefe"....
I actually thought that might not exist at that time, a place in Rio dedicated entirely only for the martial art practiced there. Even in Madureira (North Zone of Rio), the Dojos were divided among several Japanese martial arts.
So it was very common to enter in a place like that and see pictures of Jigoro Kano, Morihei Ueshiba and Gichin Funakoshi on the same wall, one next to each other as if they were a team to be choose in the game "The King of Fighters" (What would be very cool !)... hehe And it was very funny to see that if you were the instructor of Aikido, you took the photo of Jigoro Kano from the middle, and would put the Ueshiba. Next lesson came, and Karate Instructor would put Funakoshi in the middle on the place of Usehiba.. . I do not know, I think the instructors thought that the Patriarch who had his picture between the two was the "boss "....

Eu me considero com muita sorte em ter encontrado minha Familia Kung Fu. Isso porque lembro perfeitamente do sentimento ao saber que existia um lugar especifico para a arte marcial que eu iria praticar. E isso realmente foi um ponto muito forte para que eu iniciasse meu treinamento em 99...
Nada mais de "Livin la Vida Loca" (que tocava mto na epoca) enquanto eu treinava. Nada mais de fortoes tomando Gatorade passando e rindo do treinamento quando saiam da musculacao. Nada mais de ouvir seu instrutor dizendo que queria "panhar" (derivado de "dar uns pegas") uma menina que acabara de passar saindo da ginastica!!
O que significa Mo Gun?
"Mo Gun" eh o termo em cantones expresso por esses dois ideogramas: 武(Mo) e 館(Gun ou Kwoon)
武(Mo) , quer dizer "marcial" ou algo "militar" , por que nao exagerando, "guerra"?
館(Gun) siginifica "predio" ou "construcao"...
"Predio de Guerra" , "Predio Marcial"!
I consider myself very lucky to have found the Kung Fu Family. That's because I remember perfectly the feeling inside me when I know that there was a place specifically for the martial art that I would practice. And it really was a very strong point for me to start my training in '99 ... No more "Livin 'la Vida Loca" (which played a lot at that time) while I was practicing at Gyms. No more strong dudes drinking Gatorade walking through the training place and laughed when leaving.
No more listening to your instructor saying he wanted to "get some girl" after seeing some girl passing by.
What means Mo Gun ?
"Mo Gun" a cantonese term expressed by
these two ideograms: 武 (Mo) and 馆 (Gun or Kwoon)
武 (Mo), means "martial" or the "military", why not exaggerating, "war"?
馆 (Gun) means "building" or "construction" ...
"War Place", or "Martial Place"!
"Wǔ guǎn?"

Querendo saber onde era a rua que abrigava as escolas de artes marciais da cidade.
Na verdade, "Wǔ guǎn" eh simplesmente " Mo Gun" em mandarim. O idioma oficial da China usado no filme!
If you watched "Ip Man movie" you saw this bad guy above asking everyone in Fat San : "Wǔ guǎn?", "Wǔ guǎn?"
cause he was wanting to know where was the Street of Schools of Martial Arts. Indeed Wǔ guǎn is "Mo Gun" in Mandarim. The main language of China used in the film

Ja reparou que sempre tem aquele carinha louco por combate? E que sempre tem aquela pessoa que se esconde desses treinos mais pegados? Pois eh... A "guerra" da pessoa que se "esconde" talvez seja exatamente vencer essa limitacao, mas ainda que demore ou que nao consiga, o Mo Gun tb tem espaco para ela sem julga-la por isso...
The Mo Gun is called the "War place" because there occur numerous "wars". Not only physical wars, but through this body contact during practice and even during the daily "Kung Fu Life", each practitioner will be faced with their own wars. Have you evenoticed that always has that crazy guy who just like combat?
And that always has that person who hides most of the trainings of combat?
Well, eh ... The "war" of the person who is "hiding" might be exactly overcome this limitation, but even if it takes or can not, the Mo Gun also has space for it without judging her for that ...
Dentro de um circulo, observamos dois ideogramas: 心法
心 (Saam) - significa "Coracao"
e 法(faat) significa "metodo"...
"Metodo do Coracao"...
Era nisso que acreditava Si Taai Gung Moy Yat, que pela simples convivencia o verdadeiro
Kung Fu surgia.E que melhor lugar para esta convivencia, do que no Mo Gun?
In this room above shown in the two photo , Si Fu guided us to build an environment of living a "living room".Cause Mo Gun, more than a training place, is also our home. And to illustrate this concept well, he put this picture we see on the wall with a moment of the last visit of Grand Master Moy Yat to Brazil with his wife, Mrs. Helen Moy.
Within a circle, we observed two ideograms: 心法
心 (Saam) - means "Heart"
and 法 (faat) means "method" or "Way"...
"Method of the Heart" or "Way of The Heart" ...
Si Taai Gung Moy Yat believed, that the Kung Fu cames out, only staying togheter with your Si Fu or the Kung Fu Family.
And what better place for this acquaintance, than in Mo Gun?

No Mo Gun tambem encontramos a parte administrativa, que a principio seria cuidada pelo
"Cho Gun" do local , enquanto que a parte tecnica, referente aos treinamentos, seria cuidada pelo "Kao Tao".
In Mo Gun we also see the administrative side.
This part would be taken by the "Cho Gun", and the trainning would be coordenated by the "Kao Tao"

Se vc viu o filme, sabe que nele, o personagem de Jet Li era muito ligado as artes marciaise ao treino, enquanto que seu amigo era ligado a parte financeira e administrativa. Poderiamos supor que nessa foto vemos na esquerda o "Cho Gun"(amigo do Jet) e na direita o "Kao Tao"(Jet Li) dessa Ching woo do filme.
You'll remember this picture from the movie Fearless(2007) in which are seated in chairs, Jet Li, who plays Huo Yuan Jia, along with his faithful friend.
If you saw the movie, you know that the Jet Li's character was very close to the Martial Arts training, while his friend was on the finance and administration. We could assume that in this picture we see on the left the "Cho Gun" (the friend of Jet in the movie) and at the right the "Kao Tao" (Jet Li) of Ching Woo from the movie.
In conversation with Si Fu, he already said that these functions of the Kao Tao and Cho Gun may vary with time or with the Family .
It could also have a third person, or in many cases are more common today, the Si Fu accumulates the two functions: he manages both the Mo Gun and and be responsible for the training ....
Si Fu tem varios, mas ha pouco tempo decidiu expor apenas alguns mais importantes para ele.
Os Certificados sao mais uma pratica ocidental, americana por que nao? Muito mais do que chinesa.
Eles atestam que em determinado momento vc esteve apto a galgar um novo degrau na sua escalada dentro do Sistema.Mas como tudo esta sempre mudando, o reconhecimento de seu
Si Fu eh muito mais importante do que qualquer certificado.
Another thing you find in our Mo Gun of the Moy Family here in Rio, are some certificates. The Si Fu has several, but just recently decided to expose a few more important to him.
Certificates are a more practical in west. Much more than in China.
They show that at any given time you was able to climb a new level on your climb into the System .But as everything is always changing, the recognition of your
Si Fu is much more important than any certificate.
Uma sala simples, sem armas penduradas ou enfeites chineses da lojinha do Mundo Verde...
Eh como quando vc vai numa "temakeria"...
Cara, porque diabos eles cismam com aquela luz alaranjada?
E com todos aqueles leques pendurados, e ateh mesmo enfeites chineses que eles acham ser japoneses??
And then you arrive at the training room ...
A simple room, without weapon or Chinese hanging ornaments ...
It's like when you go into a Temaki restaurant in Brazil ...
Man, why do they split with that orange light?
And with all those things hanged on the wall, and even Chinese ornaments that I think they are Japanese?

In this Japanese restaurant of the photo, you notice that the construction and storage you know it is japanese! If the Sanjuro enter there with a sword and everything you do not think its strange ...
In Mo Gun is not different, the environment makes you feel like a school of Chinese martial arts, though not having any stereotyped object.
Segundo conceitos mais classicos do Kung Fu, o Jong recebe muita energia "agressiva", dos golpes que sao disparados sobre ele e que fica armazenada no tronco. Por isso, eh de bom tom que ao final do treino ele seja desmontado para que essa energia nao escape pelos bracos.
In the area outside you will find our old Muk Yan Jong. In Which a whole generation of practitioners who are in the Baat Jaam Do now trained.
According to more classical concepts of Kung Fu, the Jong receives a lot of "aggressive" energy , that blows that are fired on it and that is stored in the trunk. So, is good when finish the form take off the parts of the dummy so that this energy does not escape by the arms.
Our Newest Jong, is exactly in the opposite, facing the older Muk Yan Jong . Thus the energy is hitting one and another. Also in some Mo Gun is common to have a mirror in front of the Jong for this energy hit the mirror and back to the jong.

Observe que ao fundo uma serie de elementos compoem o visual da sala. Mas ainda que possuam uma estetica bonita, nao eh por isso que estao la.
And here you arrive at the training room of Si Fu. Where he coordinates the sessions.
Note that the background of a series of elements compose the look of the room. But still having an beautiful esthetically , is not the reason they are there.

Jing (正) - Significa "principal".
Tong(堂) - Significa "salao"
Mas esse ideograma Tong(堂) eh um salao com um proposito especifico. Seja ele uma sala de aula, ou um museu como o "Ip Man Tong" ("salao de Ip Man").
This place is called "Jing Tong" and it certainly deserves a special post, and so will. But I can say some things ...
Jing (正) - means "main".
Tong (堂) - means "hall"
But this ideogram Tong (堂) is about a hall with a specific purpose. Be it a classroom or a museum as the "Ip Man Tong" ( " Ip Man Hall")in Fat San.

Muitas vezes quando nao eh possivel ter uma sala para este unico proposito, usa-se uma parede do local(como fazemos).
Alem dos quadros existem duas cadeiras reservadas para o Si Fu, e para seu Mestre, nosso
Si Gung.
Mas confiem em mim: Este eh um tema muito bacana a ser explorado separadamente.
Jing Tong at first should be a room, the main room. Whether the house or Mo Gun. This main room is dedicated to the memory of the ancestors of the families, in our case the ancestors that is in our lineage.
Many times when is not possible to have a room for this sole purpose, you use a wall of the place (as we do).
Besides the paintings there are two seats reserved for the Si Fu, and his Master,our
Si Gung.
But trust me: This is a very cool theme to be explored separately.
Nosso Mo Gun segue ateh a sala do Si Fu passando pelo banheiro e cozinha, mas imagino que nosso passeio possa terminar por aqui.
Gostaria de lembrar que cada Familia Kung Fu vai organizar seu espaco da maneira que for conveniente para ela, para suas tradicoes ou para o lider da Familia.
Porem, se posso dar minha opiniao, eh a de que nao tem preco treinar num local exclusivamente dedicado a sua Familia Kung Fu. Vc de fato se sente em casa. Mas ainda que isso nao seja possivel, o espirito tera que ser o mesmo!
Obrigado pela visita e desculpem pelo teclado!
Our Mo Gun follows trough the Si Fu's room and through the bathroom and kitchen, but I imagine that our tour can end here by now.
I remind you that each Kung Fu Family will organize your space in whatever way is convenient for them, for their traditions or to the leader of the family.
However, if I can give my opinion, there is no price be in a exclusively devoted place to your Kung Fu family. You can really feel at home. But even if this is not possible, the spirit must be the same!
Thanks for stopping by and sorry for the keyboard(for the portuguese readers!
Thiago Pereira "Moy Fat Lei"
12G VT