This is the second time in more than 2 years that a story like this shows up here, but sometimes is good I think.
Um escorpião estava parado na margem de um rio.Precisava atravessar até o outro lado, mas sabia que dificilmente conseguiria. Uma tartaruga observou a cena e disse:
-Olá! Você quer que eu o ajude a atravessar o rio?
-Sim! - respondeu o escorpião.
-Então suba no meu casco que eu o levo até lá. Mas prometa que não vai me picar.
-Eu prometo.
O escorpião então subiu no casco da tartaruga e ela começou a nadar até a outra margem. Porém, na metade do caminho, o escorpião picou a tartaruga, que envenenada começou a afundar com ele. Com suas últimas forças, a tartaruga perplexa perguntou:
-Eu estava te ajudando! Por que você me picou?Vamos morrer os dois.
-É a minha natureza. - respondeu o escorpião.
E os dois afundaram.
A scorpion was standing on the edge of a river. He was there trying to cross to the other side, but he knew he would never be able. So, a turtle looked at the scene and said:
-Hello! Do You want me to help you to cross the river?
-Yes! - Replied the scorpion.
-Then get on my shell. I'll take you there. But promise me you will not sting me.
-I promise.
The scorpion then got on turtle´s shell and the turtle began to swim to the other side. But halfway through, the scorpion stung the turtle, which poisoned began to sink with it. With his last strength, the turtle asked :
-I was helping you! Why do you bit me? We both will die.
-It is my nature. - Replied the scorpion.
And the two sank.
Thiago Pereira
12G VT
-Olá! Você quer que eu o ajude a atravessar o rio?
-Sim! - respondeu o escorpião.
-Então suba no meu casco que eu o levo até lá. Mas prometa que não vai me picar.
-Eu prometo.
O escorpião então subiu no casco da tartaruga e ela começou a nadar até a outra margem. Porém, na metade do caminho, o escorpião picou a tartaruga, que envenenada começou a afundar com ele. Com suas últimas forças, a tartaruga perplexa perguntou:
-Eu estava te ajudando! Por que você me picou?Vamos morrer os dois.
-É a minha natureza. - respondeu o escorpião.
E os dois afundaram.
A scorpion was standing on the edge of a river. He was there trying to cross to the other side, but he knew he would never be able. So, a turtle looked at the scene and said:
-Hello! Do You want me to help you to cross the river?
-Yes! - Replied the scorpion.
-Then get on my shell. I'll take you there. But promise me you will not sting me.
-I promise.
The scorpion then got on turtle´s shell and the turtle began to swim to the other side. But halfway through, the scorpion stung the turtle, which poisoned began to sink with it. With his last strength, the turtle asked :
-I was helping you! Why do you bit me? We both will die.
-It is my nature. - Replied the scorpion.
And the two sank.
Thiago Pereira
12G VT