segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2022



Em Dezembro do ano passado, pude receber a tão esperada versão em ingles do livro Storm Dragons de autoria do Mestre Leonardo Reis[foto]. Jantamos em um restaurante na Barra da Tijuca, e dentre tantos assuntos, falamos sobre o livro que vai receber uma resenha na próxima Sexta nesta mesma página.
Por alguma razão misteriosa, temas relacionados a fantasia ou espada e feitiçaria, ficam melhores no idioma inglês a meu ver. Desde o famoso conto “By this axe I rule“ de autoria de Robert E. Howard, ou a música “Fairy Tale“ da banda Shaman... Observamos que independente da mídia, o idioma ingles parece se ajustar melhor... Por isso, “Storm Dragons“ causa um impacto inicial logo de cara pelo título. 

In December of last year, I was able to receive the long-awaited English version of the book Storm Dragons by Master Leonardo Reis[photo above]. We had dinner at a restaurant in west zone of Rio de Janeiro, and among so many topics, we talked about the book that will receive a review next Friday on this page.
For some mysterious reason, themes related to fantasy or sword and sorcery look best in the English language in my opinion. From the famous short story "By this axe I rule" by Robert E. Howard, or the song "Fairy Tale" by the band Shaman... We observe that, regardless of the media, the English language seems to fit better... , “Storm Dragons“ makes an initial impact right off the bat for the title.

“... Lightining and thunder intensify. A heavy storm begins, dropping an unsual reddish rain, as if, from the heavens, the Dragon God himself sheds tears of blood upon earth...“ - Com essas linhas, agora muito mais poderosas escritas em ingles, o Mestre Leonardo Reis pergunta aqueles que se interessarem pela leitura - “Are you ready for the storm?“. 

“... Lighting and thunder intensify. A heavy storm begins, dropping an unsual reddish rain, as if, from the heavens, the Dragon God himself sheds tears of blood upon earth...“ - With these lines, now much more powerful written in English, Master Leonardo Reis asks those interested in reading - “Are you ready for the storm?”.

Storm Dragons não é mais um livro de fantasia épica, ele é uma cine-novela que segundo o próprio autor, coloca o leitor imerso numa verdadeira experiência cinematográfica. Esse estilo único de escrita, rendeu ao Mestre Leonardo Reis inúmeros prêmios ao redor do mundo. De fato, Storm Dragons se tornou uma das obras mais premiadas desse gênero. Confesso que para mim, era sempre incrível  quando Mestre Leonardo aparecia como vencedor de mais uma premiação. É uma sensação curiosa, ter alguém tão próximo, que seja tão proeminente. 
Garanto que essa obra vai transportar você para um mundo sem paralelos... Sua leitura, sem dúvidas, vai ser marcante. 

Storm Dragons is no longer any epic fantasy book, it is a cinenovel that, according to the author himself, immerses the reader in a true cinematic experience. This unique style of writing earned Master Leonardo Reis numerous awards around the world. In fact, Storm Dragons has become one of the most awarded works of this genre. I confess that for me, it was always incredible when Master Leonardo appeared as the winner of yet another award. It's a curious feeling, having someone so close, who is so prominent.
I guarantee that this work will transport you to a world without parallels... Your reading, without a doubt, will be remarkable.

 Abaixo, algumas críticas recebidas pela obra, 
após vencer alguns dos muitos prêmios que disputou...

Below, some reviews received by the work,
after winning some of the many awards it has competed for...

"...It is not often that I find myself completely surprised by blind alleys and unexpected twists in screenplays after reading so many, but this one left me flummoxed a couple of times...  There were a couple of times where I said, “Whoa!” out loud while reading.  Between these surprises and the shocking amount of bloodshed and carnage that characterizes the third act, I think I would have been well on the edge of my seat were I watching this classic hero’s journey in a theater.  And when the Storm Dragons... (spoilers here), just when I thought the drama couldn’t intensify?  The writer earned himself a little fist pump.” – Emerging Screenwriting

 “...It's a fantasy-action script that really understands action and does a great job building its world at the right moments. The pacing is very effective; it gets more tense and heightens the conflict at the exact right moments...The script is bold and takes some surprisingly dark twists...Storm Dragons is a script which on the surface does enough differently to gain initial interest – however it is it's superb execution the makes it gripping.” – Contest of Contest Winners

“ unique, original, and marketable as a fantasy-action piece likely to garner attention from contemporary audiences... The story concept and its narrative flow are tightly crafted, which is one of the script's strong suits ...a very nice job, and this is material that has great potential for the silver screen. ” – Creative World Awards

“ incredibly impressive fantasy action film that is sure to appeal to fans of The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. I admire your ambition and applaud your ability to gracefully construct a vivid fantasy realm with clearly defined rules and mythologies. …You absolutely nail the tone and diction of the fantasy setting and it really helps immerse the audience in to the world of the narrative … This is a very strong work.” – Fresh Voices

“...'Game of Thrones', 'Watership Down' and 'The Ring Trilogy' all mixed into one exciting yarn” – A Film Writer

“...Lots of interesting characters... Lots of good Dialogue... Lots of great twists in the end... Excellent film-worthy twist... An exceptionally well written and engaging story” – Extreme Screenplay

No dia 14/04 voce poderá realizar o download de STORM DRAGONS pela AMAZON. Eu ganhei minha cópia física, mas voce poderá baixar em qualquer parte do mundo e ter acesso a um conto de fantasia épica inesquecível, agora em ingles. 
Para maiores informações, acesse o site do autor -

On April,14 you will be able to download STORM DRAGONS on AMAZON. I got my physical copy, but you can download it anywhere in the world and have access to an unforgettable epic fantasy tale, now in English.
For more information, access the author's website -

The Disciple of Master Julio Camacho
Thiago Pereira "Moy Fat Lei"