quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010

SEMINARIO DE VING TSUN,MACGYVER E NOVAS FOTOS E TRAILER DE IP MAN 2 (Ving Tsun Seminar,Macgyver and new photos and trailer of IP MAN 2)

Ateh hoje meu seriado americano favorito eh MACGYVER! Nem mesmo FRIENDS ou LOST roubaram este posto do agente da Fundacao Fenix que carrega silver-tape no bolso da jaqueta e um canivete!

`till today my favorite AmericanTV series is MACGYVER! Even FRIENDS or LOST did not stolen this position from the agent of Fenix Foundation who carries silver-tape in his jacket pocket with a small knife!

Muitos dos episodios de Macgyver eram sobre Hockey, e eu acabei me interessando muito pelo esporte, mantendo sempre a vontade de um dia jogar uma partidinha! Bem como, ter uma camisa do MIGHTY DUCKS! Uma pena! Um dia eu consigo!

Many of the episodes of Macgyver were about Hockey, and I became interested in the sport too, keeping the desire to one day play just a match! As well, have a shirt of MIGHTY DUCKS team! One day I can!

E quando se fala em HOCKEY, voce lembra tambem do CANADA! Uma das maiores potencias neste esporte!
Mas confie em mim amigo, no proximo dia 29 de Maio, o Canada vai ter algo muito mais emocionante do que o HOCKEY acontecendo em suas terras:

And when it is about hockey, you also remember the CANADA! One of the biggest potences in this sport!
But trust me friend, on the May 29th , Canada will have something much more exciting than hockey going on in its land:
Os grandes amigos e irmaos kung-fu, Si Baak Gung Lester(esq.) e Si Baak Gung Nelson Chan(dir.) organizaram um seminario sobre Ving Tsun entitulado: "300 year old culture of Ving Tsun Kung Fu from 1710 to 2010" (300 anos da antiga cultura do Ving Tsun: de 1710 a 2010)

The great friends and kung-fu brothers , Si Baak Gung Lester 10G VT (left) and Si Baak Gung Nelson Chan 10G VT (right) organized a lecture on Ving Tsun titled "300 year old culture of Ving Tsun Kung Fu from 1710 to 2010" and more!

Pra voce que mora perto do Canada ou que mora longe mas que ja dominou o tele-transporte, nao podera perder as palestras de Si Baak Gung Lester Lau, Si Hing de meu Si Gung, e um dos grandes coracoes da Moy Yat Ving Tsun assim como Si Baak Gung Nelson Chan!

If you lives close to Canada, if you lives in Canada or if you lives far away from canada but you can do the teleportation you can not miss a lecture by one of the greatests hearts of MYVT nowadays! Si Baak Gung Lester, as well Si Baak Gung Nelson Chan!

Os dados do evento seguem abaixo:

See the information below!

Guest Lecturer - Lester Moy2 (Number 2 Special Student of GrandMaster Moy Yat of New York City)
Lester Moy2 will be discussing the 300 year old culture of Ving Tsun Kung Fu from 1710 to 2010. Helping students to understand the System Design of Ving Tsun in Theory and Practice.
Contact Sifu Nelson Chan for Details. Spaces are limited.
WHEN: Saturday May 29th, 2010
TIME: 12noon to 6:00pm
WHERE: Christian Wushu Fellowship
ADDRESS: 201 Tempo Avenue, Toronto, ON
COST: $100, Special Advance Pricing $90 if paid before May 1st, 2010
Seminar is open to Moy Yat lineage Students only.

VingTsun strength is the mental strength and more;

Guest Lecturer - Lester Moy2 (Number 2 Special Student of GrandMaster Moy Yat of New York City) of the GrandMaster Ip Man lineage.
Lester Moy2 will be revealing the 300 years old culture of Ving Tsun Kung Fu from 1710 to 2010. Presenting the System Design of Ving Tsun in Theory and Practice.

Contact Sifu Nelson Chan for Details. Spaces are limited.

WHEN: Saturday May 29th, 2010
TIME: 12:00noon to 6:00pm or as required
WHERE: Christian Wushu Fellowship, Canadian Wingchun Fellowship
ADDRESS: 201 Tempo Avenue, North York,Toronto, ON, m2h 2r9, Canada
COST: $100USD, Special Advance Pricing $90USD if paid before May 1st, 2010
Snack is provided: Sushi + Chinese tea
Seminar is open to Moy Yat lineage Students only.
(reserved the right to change as required)

Accommodation (order separately): Holiday Inn, TORONTO-MARKHAM
Hotel Front Desk: 1-905-474-0444
Hotel Fax: 1-905-474-1877


There is one VingTsun and many different practices. Thank you,
Lester Moy2 (10G VT) 3-30-2010, Celebrating the 300th year of VingTsun

As novas fotos do filme mais aguardado pela comunidade Ving Tsun neste ano estao arrebentando! Porem ja vemos muitas licencas poeticas como o fato do Patriarca ser bem mais novo do que de fato ele era quando chegou a Hong Kong na vida real! Mas... who cares? ne?

The new picture of the most awaited film by the Ving Tsun community this year is burning! However already we see many poetic licenses as the fact that the Patriarch be much younger than he actually was when he arrived in Hong Kong in real life!

Esse eh aquele carinha que lutava "Garra de Aguia" no filme. Na verdade sempre que assisto Ip Man e revejo a luta dele contra os mestres de fat San, me encanta muito a habilidade dele de realmente se expressar corporalmente como uma aguia..eh fabuloso!

This is that guy who plays "Eagle Clow Style" in the first film!
Indeed I loved the way he moves as an eagle during the fight against the Masters of FatSan!
That was beautiful to watch!
Mestre das Armas, Nascido para Defender, Ip Man 2, ... Quantos filmes mais teremos de chineses em ringues batendo em boxers ocidentais? Santa criatividade batman!

A lot of chinese films have its hero fighting against a western boxer?? Where is the creativity?
Ip Man se preparando para mais uma tecnica secreta from Rio: O "tapa no pe da orelha"!

A secret thecnique from Rio: "Slap on the ear!"
Eu posso estar enganado, mas pelo trailer parece que o mancebo acima sera o primeiro aluno de Ip Man em Hong Kong! Seria ele Leung Sheung ?

I think that this guy will be Ip`s first student in HK.
Leung Sheung?Is it possible?
Se esse for o filho de Ip Man no filme, ficou igualzinho Ip Chun!

The kid looks a lot to Ip Chun!
Tudo bem! Ja que querem botar tantas cenas de boxe, que toquem EYE OF THE TIGER no fundo em chines!
Olha! seria legal hein: "Zhe Ge shi Hu de yanjing!"

All right! If the directors wants so much to much boxing scenes, they could put to play on the background EYE OF THE TIGER! even in chinese!

acompanhe abaixo o empolgante trailer!
watch the newest trailer!

Thiago Pereira "Moy Fat Lei" 12G VT