(Si Fu mostra a abertura para Marcelo Acris, seu To Dai, após demonstração técnica à mesa )
(Si Fu shows an opening for Marcelo Acris, his To Dai, after the technical demonstration at the table)
(Si Fu shows an opening for Marcelo Acris, his To Dai, after the technical demonstration at the table)
Seguir seu
Si Fu se trata de uma arte. Lembro de quando Si Fu conversava comigo no antigo
Núcleo no Recreio dizendo que é fácil nos conectarmos com o que gostamos ou com
o que nos interessa, mas é difícil de nos conectarmos com algo que não nos
flores na mesa ancestral, pois flores representam o cuidado constante que
devemos ter. Segundo Si Gung , muitos To Dai se vangloriam de ter cuidado de
seu Si Fu em determinada época, não entendendo que este cuidado deve ser
dinamico e constante.
Following your Si Fu is an art. I remember when Si Fu was talking to me at the old former MYVT Recreio School, saying that it's easy to connect with what we like or what we care about, but it's hard to connect with something we do not care about.
We have flowers on the ancestral table, because flowers represent the constant care that we should have. According to Si Gung, many To Dai boast of taking care of their Si Fu at a given time, not understanding that this care must be dynamic and constant.
Following your Si Fu is an art. I remember when Si Fu was talking to me at the old former MYVT Recreio School, saying that it's easy to connect with what we like or what we care about, but it's hard to connect with something we do not care about.
We have flowers on the ancestral table, because flowers represent the constant care that we should have. According to Si Gung, many To Dai boast of taking care of their Si Fu at a given time, not understanding that this care must be dynamic and constant.
(Da esquerda para a direita: Eu, Paula Gama, Si Fu, Inês Lampreia e Erica Martinovski. Paula e Inês são To Dai de Si Fu assim como eu. E Erica foi uma das duas primeiras praticantes de Ving Tsun Experience no bairro do Méier).
(From left to right: I, Paula Gama, Si Fu, Ines Lampreia and Erica Martinovski. Paula and Ines are To Dai of Si Fu as myself. Erica was one of the first two female students to practice Ving Tsun Experience in Meier neighborhood.)
Para mim,
isso tudo se refere a capacidade de um To Dai, de seguir seu Si Fu em seus
diferentes momentos de vida e em seus diferentes projetos e propostas. Ainda
que estes não lhe apeteçam tanto quanto seu tema predileto.
Si Fu falava
sobre curiosidades do mundo do Kung Fu, histórias de suas viagens e de momentos
de Vida Kung Fu. Tentava guardar o máximo de informação que conseguia , e
confesso que foi uma época em que pude assimilar muitos desses conceitos,
simplesmente enquanto almoçava.
For me, this all refers to the ability of a To Dai, to follow his Si Fu in his different moments of life and in his different projects and proposals. Although these do not appeal to you as much as your favorite theme.
Having lunch with Si Fu ten years ago was a time of relaxation. We would always go, Paula Gama, Si Fu and I to some place to have lunch during the week. Sometimes some other member of the Kung Fu Family or the Clan appeared, but usually it was just the three of us.
Si Fu talked about curiosities of the world of Kung Fu, stories of his travels and moments of Kung Fu Life. I tried to keep as much information as I could, and I confess that it was a time when I could assimilate many of these concepts, just while I was having lunch.
For me, this all refers to the ability of a To Dai, to follow his Si Fu in his different moments of life and in his different projects and proposals. Although these do not appeal to you as much as your favorite theme.
Having lunch with Si Fu ten years ago was a time of relaxation. We would always go, Paula Gama, Si Fu and I to some place to have lunch during the week. Sometimes some other member of the Kung Fu Family or the Clan appeared, but usually it was just the three of us.
Si Fu talked about curiosities of the world of Kung Fu, stories of his travels and moments of Kung Fu Life. I tried to keep as much information as I could, and I confess that it was a time when I could assimilate many of these concepts, just while I was having lunch.
(Si Fu coordena as reuniões semanais presenciais dos Núcleos
do que chamamos de Moy Yat Ving Tsun Martial Intelligence, IM. )
Com o passar
dos anos, os vínculos que nos uniam foram apontando para um viés cada vez mais
profissional. E com isso, muitas das vezes eu aparecia com alguma demanda sobre
o Núcleo Méier, sobre algum membro do Núcleo, etc... E precisei , com muito
esforço devido as minhas limitações. Atualizar a cada mudança de tempo, para entender aquelas mesmas
lições mais diluídas em conversas na presença de outros irmãos Kung Fu. Conversas estas, que
nem sempre me eram interessantes num primeiro momento.
Over the years, the bonds that united us were pointing to an increasingly professional bias. And with this, many times I appeared with some demand on the Méier school, on some member of the school, etc ... And I needed, with much effort because of my own limitations, to update with each change of time, to understand those same lessons, more diluted in conversations in the presence of other Kung Fu brothers, who were not so interesting for me at the first glance.
Over the years, the bonds that united us were pointing to an increasingly professional bias. And with this, many times I appeared with some demand on the Méier school, on some member of the school, etc ... And I needed, with much effort because of my own limitations, to update with each change of time, to understand those same lessons, more diluted in conversations in the presence of other Kung Fu brothers, who were not so interesting for me at the first glance.
estivemos no Barra Shopping com Si Fu para um almoço no último feriado. Entrar
ali com Si Fu para almoçar, era como voltar no tempo, já que era nesse shopping
que sempre almoçávamos.
Ao sentarmos
na mesa, o tema acabou fluindo para questões profissionais, e como sempre, o
Kung Fu se mostrava “não aparente” no que era dito. Foi então que em determinado
momento, o membro da Família Moy Jo Lei Ou mais novo presente, fez alguns
comentários sobre sua vontade de aprender a fazer pequenas demonstrações, para
que seus amigos, a quem pretendia indicar o Ving Tsun, pudessem se entusiasmar.
We recently visited Barra Shopping with Si Fu for a lunch last holiday. To go there with Si Fu for lunch, it was like going back in time, since it was in this mall that we always had lunch.
As we sat down at the table, the subject eventually flowed into professional matters, and as always, Kung Fu was "underneath" what was said. It was then that at one point, the Family member of Moy Jo Lei Ou Family, the younger present, made some comments about his willingness to learn to make small demonstrations, so that his friends, whom he intended to indicate the Ving Tsun, could get excited.
We recently visited Barra Shopping with Si Fu for a lunch last holiday. To go there with Si Fu for lunch, it was like going back in time, since it was in this mall that we always had lunch.
As we sat down at the table, the subject eventually flowed into professional matters, and as always, Kung Fu was "underneath" what was said. It was then that at one point, the Family member of Moy Jo Lei Ou Family, the younger present, made some comments about his willingness to learn to make small demonstrations, so that his friends, whom he intended to indicate the Ving Tsun, could get excited.
Foi então
que em determinado momento, durante um espaço vazio, tomei a palavra e com um
pequeno gesto, falei um pouco sobre como ele poderia fazer uma demonstração
segura, sem o risco de não funcionar ou ser golpeado. Si Fu se apoiou e fez algumas demonstrações na
própria mesa com este praticante que é seu To Dai. Eu e Iuri registramos alguns
desses momentos, e me percebi abrindo um sorriso.
It was then that at a certain moment, during an empty space, I took the floor and with a small gesture, I talked a little about how he could make a safe demonstration, without the risk of not working or being hit. Si Fu leaned back and made some demonstrations at his own table with this practitioner who is his To Dai. Iuri , who was also there, and I , recorded some of those moments, and I realized myself with a smile.
It was then that at a certain moment, during an empty space, I took the floor and with a small gesture, I talked a little about how he could make a safe demonstration, without the risk of not working or being hit. Si Fu leaned back and made some demonstrations at his own table with this practitioner who is his To Dai. Iuri , who was also there, and I , recorded some of those moments, and I realized myself with a smile.
(Usuais cafés da manhã com Si Fu, Silva e Antunes no
posto de gasolina próximo ao antigo Mo Gun - 2009)
(Old breakfast time before classes in 2009 with Si Fu, Antunes and Silva-2009)
Ao final,
acompanhei Si Fu, Claudio e Iuri até o carro, o que me lembrou também quando
por volta de 2009 e 2010. Levava Si Fu e suas filhas até seu antigo Zafira no
mesmo estacionamento após almoçarmos com ele , Antunes e Thiago Silva ao final
de uma prática no Sábado.
aqueles momentos e lembranças, me fizeram relaxar e sorrir . E caminhando de
volta para dentro do shopping, onde precisaria resolver mais “coisas de
adultos” (risos). Refleti sobre o esforço que ainda me é necessário fazer para
conectar com pessoas e situações que não me remetem ao romantismo que tenho
comigo, a respeito das artes marciais.
In the end, I accompanied Si Fu, Claudio and Iuri to the car, which also reminded me when around 2009 and 2010 when we used to took Si Fu and his daughters to his old Zafira car in the same parking lot after lunch with him, Antunes and Thiago Silva in end of the practices on Saturday.
All those moments and memories made me relax and smile. And walking back into the mall, where I would have to solve more "adult stuff" (laughs). I reflected on the effort that I still have to do to connect with people and situations that do not remind me of the romanticism I have within me about martial arts.
"...Seja legal com seus irmãos Kung Fu, eles são a melhor ponte com seu passado,
e provavelmente quem vai sempre mesmo te apoiar no futuro...Aceite certas verdades inescapáveis: Os treinos vão mudar, os To Dai vão reclamar...Você também , vai ser 'Si Hing'! E quando isso acontecer, você vai fantasiar que quando era jovem, os treinos eram mais duros, os praticantes eram esforçados e os Si Dai respeitavam os Si Hing..." (CLIQUE em: "Ving Tsun Sunscreen" - 2008)
É , eu acho que foi tudo uma questão de nostalgia e fantasiar em ser "criança" novamente.... (risos).
"... Be cool with your Kung Fu brothers, they are the best bridge to your past,
and probably who will always support you in the future ... Accept certain inescapable truths: The training will change, the To Dai will complain ... You too, you will be a 'Si Hing'! And when that happens, you'll fantasize that when you were young, training was harder, practitioners were hardworking, and Si Dai respected Si Hing ... "(CLICK on: " Ving Tsun Sunscreen "- 2008)
Yeah, I think it was all a matter of nostalgia and fantasizing about being a "child" again .... (laughs).
Thiago Pereira "Moy Fat Lei"