Felipe Mury 12G VT(in the right) came back from a trip with his girl, and as soon as he arrived he just supported the kung fu of his young KF bro´s in Cham Kiu, like Léo Descoffier(12G VT) and Jade camacho(12G VT)
Mais tarde, a casa ficou cheia com a chegada de Rodrigo Evaristo, Pedro Freire e Ailton Jordão com sua esposa e filha. Fizemos em conjunto um trabalho de VT-Exp de mais de uma hora, muito legal, onde todos puderam trocar experiências independente da idade, altura, sexo, etc... Fatores não tão relevantes neste tipo de prática.
Later in the same day, the house was full when all the 12G VT: Rodrigo Evaristo, Pedro Freire and Ailton Jordao with his wife and daughter came to play Siu Nim Do. We spent more than a hour and a half togheter exchanging experiences between each other, dont bothering about age, sex or anything like that! 'Cause in fact, in Ving Tsun, as big the diversity, better!
Encerrando a noite, para a homenagem em vídeo a Si Baak Gung Micky Chan, pedi a Jade que tocasse a música "Tempo Perdido" do Legião Urbana que fala do tempo. Na verdade pensamos em várias músicas, mas ela acabou tocando a sua "i´m Yours" do Jason Marz hahahaha...
In the end of the day, to do the VIDEO TRIBUTE TO SI BAAK GUNG MICKY CHAN , I asked Jade to play a brazilian rock song "TEMPO PERDIDO" (LOST TIME), 'cause the lirycs talks about "Time going by"... But between another options Jade choose her favorite song again..hehe "I`M YOURS"...
Thiago Pereira,12G VT